Saturday, July 27,2024 - 11:4 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Implementation plan of rural tourism development program in new rural construction in a period of 2021 - 2025 in Binh Thuan province 

 Wednesday, May 31,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - To effectively exploit and promote the province's tourism resources and resources, creating a breakthrough for the tourism industry in the new period

Implementation plan of rural tourism development program in new rural construction in a period of 2021 - 2025 in Binh Thuan province
I. Objectives, requirements
1. Common objectives
- To effectively exploit and promote the province's tourism resources and resources, creating a breakthrough for the tourism industry in the new period.
- Promote rural tourism development in association with bringing into play the potentials and advantages of agriculture, craft villages, culture and ecological environment of localities, in order to improve the quality of material and spiritual life of the local, rural people, contributing to rural economic restructuring towards multi-value integration, inclusiveness and sustainable development.
- Implement synchronously and effectively the contents of the Program to promote tourism development in the period of 2022 - 2025 and the following years, creating a new transformation in tourism development, building Binh Thuan to become a into a safe - friendly - quality destination.
2. Specific objectives to 2025
- Develop and standardize rural tourism destinations and products; each locality strives to have at least 01 recognized rural tourist spot associated with advantages in agriculture, culture, craft villages or ecological environment;
- Promote rural tourism development in association with the digital transformation process; have recognized rural tourist attractions digitized and connected on the website for tourism promotion and promotion by digital technology.
- Striving for 100% of rural tourist spots to be introduced and promoted; 50% of rural tourist spots apply electronic transactions in tourism activities.
- Striving for each new rural district with tourism potential to build at least 01 model of a specific agricultural and rural tourism linkage chain.
- To strive for the owners of rural tourism establishments to receive training in tourism management; 50% of rural tourism workers are fostered, trained and improved professional skills and skills to serve tourists, of which at least 50% are female workers;
- Building a database and digital map of rural tourist attractions throughout the province.
II. Content
1. Upgrading and investing in the development of rural tourist spots in association with the implementation of new rural construction criteria
- Orientation, arrangement and spatial arrangement of tourist areas and rural tourist spots suitable with tourism development potential and ensure connection with key tourist routes of the region and locality.
- Designing and renovating the architectural landscape and environment in the entire space of the tourist destination while preserving the traditional identity while ensuring hygienic, convenient and ecological conditions; Investment savings through the use of local, environmentally friendly materials.
- Renovate, upgrade and complete synchronous infrastructure (traffic, electricity and clean water systems, medical and healthcare infrastructure, toilets, parking spots and parking lots, navigation system) , indicators, digital infrastructure and telecommunications connection, collection and treatment of waste, wastewater, ...) at tourist destinations, in accordance with the needs of tourists, ensuring harmony with the space, landscape associated with regional cultural characteristics.
- Arrange and build points, houses to display, introduce and sell agricultural products, traditional craft village products, souvenirs, etc. to serve tourists.
- Improve the quality of organization, operation and management of destinations (tourist management, accommodation management, tourism business management; ensuring security, order, food safety, environmental protection) rural tourism school,…).
- Construction and development of service infrastructure (rest stops, display points of rural specialties, food and beverage, sanitation, etc.) along traffic routes associated with tourist attractions with reasonable distance.
2. Developing rural tourism products with regional and regional characteristics
- Focus on developing tourism products of high quality, diversity and difference, associated with regional identity and characteristics, with high experiential and added value, market-oriented and suitable to the needs of the market, needs of each type of visitor (according to international and domestic visitors; by age...). Diversifying products, focusing on developing new, highly competitive products and keeping up with the trends and tastes of tourists.
- Support to upgrade and complete accommodation facilities and service works to ensure service quality and limit impacts on the environment.
- Support conservation, restoration and development of craft villages, cuisine, traditional costumes and agricultural activities, cultural and sports performances,...; develop artisans; restore the production model of specialty and traditional products to serve tourists through practical experiences; preserve and promote cultural spaces, cultural, historical and revolutionary relics.
- Develop and digitize information and explanatory documents on cultural and historical relics, eco-tourism sites and traditional craft villages associated with rural tourism.
3. Developing quality human resources for rural tourism
- Improve the quality of grassroots officials in management and development of rural tourism activities.
- Develop documents guiding the development of agricultural and rural tourism in association with new rural construction.
- Enhance professional capacity, vocational skills and soft skills, tourism knowledge for organizations, individuals and communities participating in rural tourism activities, building specialized tourism culture, professional, friendly, safe and civilized.
- Professionalize the provision, inspection and control of quality tourism services and management of rural tourist attractions.
4. Communication, promotion and promotion of rural tourism
- Develop and implement programs to promote, promote and support the development of rural tourism products based on the advantages of agricultural production activities, cultural and ecological characteristics of the localities; building, developing and positioning the rural tourism destination brand.
- Strengthening research and development of tools, methods and contents of rural tourism promotion and promotion suitable to different types of tourism and visitors; application of information technology, multimedia communication for promotion and promotion of rural tourist attractions, rural tourism products, access to tourism markets, connection with target customers.
- Focus on supporting and strengthening links in tourism business activities between new rural communes and districts with potential for tourism development and travel agencies to offer rural tourism products to customers, domestic and international travel.
5. Develop and implement pilot models of rural tourism development towards green, responsible and sustainable tourism
To pilot a number of models of rural tourism development in the following forms: community tourism, agricultural tourism, eco-tourism, tourism associated with nature conservation, craft village tourism, etc. Prioritize models with unique tourism products for each region and economic efficiency; towards raising the awareness and responsibility of all actors in the tourism value chain (managers, tour operators, communities and tourists, ...) in preserving and promoting cultural values and environmental protection; use of local materials and labor; apply digital transformation solutions; mobilize the participation of women, the poor, ethnic minorities and disadvantaged people to improve people's living standards and incomes.
III. Solution
1. Mobilizing, integrating and effectively using resources for rural tourism development
- Increasing the mobilization of social resources, funding from international cooperation organizations, investment from enterprises, agricultural cooperation organizations, community contributions (financial, labor power, etc.) ...) and other legal sources for rural tourism development. Prioritize allocating capital from the state budget for human resource training, developing a system of technical facilities for the tourism industry in rural areas in line with market orientation.
- To encourage and attract investment in rural tourism development in different areas and environments (forests, nature reserves, sea and islands, etc.) according to the provisions of law in order to generate stable income, from tourism activities to invest back in the protection of tourism resources.
- To encourage and call for initiatives, ideas, projects and innovative start-up models in the fields of agriculture, handicrafts associated with rural tourism; effective marketing and market connection solutions for rural tourism.
- Integrate resources for the implementation of this Program with other related programs, schemes and projects, especially the contents of the implementation plan of the National Target Program on building new rural areas in Binh Duong province in a period of 2021 - 2025.
2. Propaganda, promotion and awareness raising about rural tourism
- Promote propaganda, raise awareness, change thinking, knowledge and actions for Party committees, authorities and officials; organizations and individuals doing tourism business; people, communities and tourists on sustainable rural tourism development in new rural construction.
- Diversify and renovate forms and content of rural tourism communication on the basis of digital technology through electronic portals, social networks, newsletters, seminars,...; promote connection and integration with propaganda activities in new rural construction.
- Organizing festivals (especially folklore festivals, seasonal and regional fruit festivals), activities to connect regional and regional tourism; communication and promotion of rural tourism products at fairs and exhibitions.
- Promote innovation, organize contests of ideas related to rural tourism (art works, media works, product design souvenirs and tourist gifts, ...) .
- Organizing awards for rural tourism at the provincial level.
3. Fostering, training and capacity building for rural tourism workers
- Review and assess the quality of human resources for rural tourism and the training and retraining needs of households, rural tourism business communities and community tourism villages.
- Organizing training, training and fostering professional skills in tourism management, market knowledge, foreign languages, protection of tourism resources and environment for the contingent of officials in charge of state management of tourism at all levels, workers working in the field of tourism in rural areas.
- Bringing training and fostering contents on tourism into training programs of local and regional vocational training institutions; put the contents of tourism resources into local educational materials used in general education institutions. Develop documents guiding the process of serving some basic tourism services in rural areas.
- Organizing training courses, short-term training courses on vocational skills and soft skills for tourism: Providing food services (cooking, bartending, …), accommodation (making rooms, rooms...), foreign languages, culture of communication, behavior, welcoming and serving guests for the local community in a professional, skilled and friendly manner; combined with improving historical and cultural knowledge about tourist destinations and learning experiences in developing rural tourism models in localities at home and abroad.
- Organize a network of experts in tourism, agriculture and other industries who are entrepreneurs, artisans, highly skilled technical workers to participate in supporting households and communities in exploiting and developing agricultural products, agriculture, rural areas, handicraft products, ... for rural tourism activities.
4. Applying technology, promoting digital transformation in rural tourism development
- Make digital maps of rural tourism products, support to connect rural tourism products with other tourism products in service of rural tourism promotion.
- Building a unified database from central to local to serve the management, advertising and promotion of rural tourism.
- Building an image bank, digitizing information and documents about rural tourist attractions, enhancing the application of big data, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to gradually form and develop a smart tourism ecosystem to support and increase the experience for tourists, create conditions for tourists to experience activities, services Safe, convenient and friendly rural tourism service.
- Building specialized websites (websites, exhibitions, virtual tourism fairs, digital media products, etc.) about rural tourism in association with introducing and promoting rural tourist attractions; exploit the strength of communication on social platforms.
5. Strengthening inter-sectoral coordination and international cooperation on rural tourism development
- Enhance information sharing, exchange and coordination among related sectors and fields in order to implement synchronous and effective rural tourism development activities.
- Enhance information sharing and exchange with provinces in order to learn and exchange experiences on management and development of rural tourism (especially tourism associated with nature conservation, responsible tourism, risk management and adaptation, etc.).
- Mobilize technical support and deployment resources of international organizations in Vietnam for projects and programs of rural tourism associated with the community, protecting the ecological environment; associate training human resources for rural tourism.
- Building a network of rural tourism partners to serve to connect investment, connect tourism supply - demand information.
- Encourage domestic enterprises to enter into joint ventures with foreign organizations to build rural tourism models suitable to Vietnam's conditions and requirements of the Program.
- Participating in networks and forums on rural tourism development at regional and international levels; pilot connection network on green tourism, responsible tourism; introduce and promote rural tourism destinations in Vietnam to international visitors.
IV. Program implementation cost
1. Funds for the implementation of the Program include:
- The central budget capital of the Program is allocated in the central budget capital plan of the National Target Program on building new rural areas for the period of 2021 - 2025.
- Local budget capital.
- Socialized capital (enterprises, cooperatives, other economic types, residential communities,...).
- Capital integrated from other programs and projects.
2. Funds for management and supervision of the implementation of the Program at all levels shall be deducted from the state budget capital for the implementation of the national target program plans on new rural construction at all levels, which are assigned annually.
3. Financial mechanism of the Program: Comply with the financial mechanism of the National Target Program on building new rural areas in Binh Thuan province in a period of 2021 - 2025 and provisions of current laws.
V. Implementation organization
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
a) Lead, guide, inspect and supervise the implementation of the Program in accordance with the schedule and current regulations; carefully review the contents and tasks of the Program, ensuring that they do not overlap with the contents and tasks of thematic Programs and other programs and projects approved by the Provincial People's Committee .
- Building a database and map of the network of rural tourist spots and implementing digital transformation solutions in rural tourism associated with new rural construction; formulating mechanisms and policies in the field of responsibility related to rural tourism development.
- Building agricultural products, clean and high-tech agricultural development models associated with tourism development.
- Develop documents guiding the development of agricultural and rural tourism in association with new rural construction; training and capacity building for people on agricultural and rural tourism development; Propaganda and promotion of rural tourism through agricultural product connection programs and the OCOP Program.
- Synthesize and advise the Provincial People's Committee to select and approve the list of pilot models under the proposed support program from the central budget; financial support, approval and implementation of models of rural tourism development associated with new rural construction in the locality.
- Summarize the need for funding for implementation of the Program's contents and tasks in the provincial budget capital plan for the period of 2021 - 2025 and the annual implementation plan of the national target program on building new rural areas in the country. Binh Thuan province in the period of 2021 - 2025 shall send comments to the Department of Finance and the Department of Planning and Investment before summarizing and reporting to the Provincial People's Committee according to regulations.
- Monitor, supervise, summarize and periodically report to the Provincial People's Committee the implementation of the Program; propose adjustments and supplements to the Program's contents if necessary; organize a preliminary and summary of the implementation of the Program.
b) Implement and allocate reciprocal capital from the National Target Program on new rural construction and integrate other capital sources to support synchronous development of infrastructure and technical facilities for rural tourist destinations (according to the approved rural tourism development scheme, program or plan).
2. Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant departments in: Research and supplement the content of rural tourism development in the national tourism system planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision 2045.
b) Integrating and organizing promotion and advertising activities for rural tourism destinations and products at home and abroad; implementing awareness raising activities, international cooperation on rural tourism development; organize survey programs, connect rural tourism products.
c) Implement training and capacity building programs for rural tourism workers; strengthen the promotion and introduction of rural tourist spots in the locality.
3. Department of Planning and Investment: Based on the proposal of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, summarizing needs, and projecting the allocation of provincial budget capital to implement the Program in the national target program plan, building new rural areas in Binh Thuan province in the period of 2021 - 2025 and annual plans, submitted to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and decision.
4. Department of Finance: On the basis of the request of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, consult on the need and proposed allocation of non-business funding for the implementation of the Program in the program's non-business funding plan, submit national target of building new countryside in Binh Thuan province in the period of 2021 - 2025 and annually for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to summarize and submit to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and decision.
5. Relevant departments and branches, based on their assigned functions and tasks, actively develop implementation plans and concretize the Program's tasks and solutions in association with their respective fields of responsibility.
6. People's Committees of districts, towns and cities
a) Localities that have conditions for rural tourism development shall formulate schemes, programs or plans on rural tourism development in accordance with the orientation of building new countryside in the locality and related plans; give priority to synchronous development of infrastructure and material and technical facilities at rural tourist spots in the approved scheme, program or plan.
b) Promote rural tourism development in association with promoting the unique values of each region and locality.
c) Organize the inspection, supervision and evaluation of the results of the implementation of the Program in the locality, annually (before December 15 every year) or irregularly report the situation of rural tourism development in the program, submit national target on building a new countryside to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to summarize and report to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ministry of Culture and Sports and Tourism according to regulations.

Source: Vitic/

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