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Agriculture, rural plan of Mekong river delta to 2020, vision to 2030 

 Friday, February 15,2019

AsemconnectVietnam - Agriculture, rural plan of Mekong river delta must be in consistent with socio-economic development plan, master plan on agriculture production development of the wholly country.


I. Viewpoints of the plan
- Agriculture, rural plan of Mekong river delta must be in consistent with socio-economic development plan, master plan on agriculture production development of the wholly country; master plan on socio-economic development of Mekong river delta and other specialized plans of the delta which were approved by the competent authority.
- Agriculture, rural plan of Mekong river delta must be built on basis of thinking innovation, marketing approach, exploitation and promotion of advantages of each locality and the wholly region to develop agricultural production towards improving high added value and sustainable development; creating production linkage and constructing specialized production areas, large fields; rapidly applying science and technology; associating production with processing and consumption of products.
- Agriculture, rural plan of Mekong river delta must be met objectives of building new countryside towards civilization, having step by step modern socio-economic infrastructure, increasing living of the people.
- Agriculture, rural plan of Mekong river delta must has strong innovation on policy and mechanisms, especially mechanisms on attracting investment. In addition to support of the State budget, it should enhance form of public-private partnerships, creating favorable conditions for all economic sectors to invest.
II. Development objectives
1. General objectives
To buildagriculture, rural of Mekong river delta to develop comprehensively, sustainably, to be high adaptabletoclimate change; production activities of industries gets high yield, qualityandhighcompetitiveness; having logical economic structureandorganization of production; socio-economic infrastructure will be modern step by step; incomeand living of the peopleincreasinglyimproved;natural resourcesare usedeffectively; environment will be  protectedandimproved.
2. Specific indicators to 2020 and orientations towards 2030
2.1. To 2020
- Average growth rate of GDP of agriculture, forestry and fisheries hits from 3.8 - 4.2%/year.
- Growth rate of agricultural and forestry production value seafood is from 4.5-5%/year, agriculture 3-4%/year, forestry 3%/year, fisheries 7-8%/year.
- Structure of agricultural, forestry and fishery production: agriculture of 64.2%, forestry 0.9% and fisheries 34.9%.
- Paddy output reaches 24.5 million tons, fishery production hits 3.5 million tons.
- Average value of output per 1 ha of growing land posts VND 130 million, aquaculture breeding land hits VND 250 million.
- Ratio of commune achieving criteria of new rural communes is over 50%.
2.2. Orientation2030
- Average growth rate of agriculture, forestry and fisheries GDP hits 3-3.5%/year.
- Growth rate of value of agriculture, forestry and fisheries hits from 4-4.5%/year, agriculture 3%/year, forestry 2.5%/year and fisheries of 6-7%/year.
- Structure of production value of agricultural, forestry and fishery: agriculture 59.1%, forestry 0,9% and fisheries 40%.
- Paddy output reaches 23-24 million tons, fishery output hits 4.2-4.3 million tons.
- Average output value of 1 ha of growing land reaches VND 180-200 million, aquaculture breeding land hits VND 400 million.
III. Orientation of the plan
1. Agricultural land using plan
1.1. General orientation of agricultural land using plan

- To 2020:
+ To limit to the lowest level of transfer of agricultural land, especially paddy land into non-agricultural land, ensuring scale of agricultural land area of the delta to 2020 of 3.25 million ha.
+ To stabilize rice-growing area to 2020 at 1.82 million ha, out of which, 1.7 million hectares being specialized in rice cultivation; increasing area of rotational cultivation of rice and agricultural products (corn, soybeans, vegetables, beans ...) to 185,000 ha and of rice and seafood to 240,000 hectares.
+ To increase land area for growing perennial crops, raising total land area for growing perennial crops to 400,000 ha in 2020. Out of which, land area of growing 9 groups of concentrated fruit-tree is about 185,000 ha: grapefruit, mango, durian, apple, dragon fruit, pineapple, banana, longan, rambutan.
+ To 2020, area of forestland hits 330,500 ha, an increase of 19,800 ha comparing to 2010, including 95,300 ha of protective forests, increasing by 12,500 hectares and area of special used forest is 76,500 ha, an increase of 8,500 hectares.

+ Land area foraquaculturein 2020 is 542,800hectares, an increase of 74,700hectares comparing to that than in 2010; out of which, brackishwater areais507,200 hectares, an increase of 61,400hectaresandfreshwater aquacultureareais35,600hectares, an increase of 13,400ha.
+ Area of salt productionin 2020 is 4,600 hectares, an increase of 0.8hectarescomparing with that in 2010, saltproduction area applying advanced technologiesaccounts for60-70%.
- Vision to 2030: it forecasts area of agricultural landfloodedbysea level riseof about30,000 hectares. Rice land areaswill bereduced by about15,000hectares, being expectedto switch toaquaculture breeding; increasing areaof aquacultureto about558,000ha.
1.2. Agricultural landusing plan of sub-regions
- Dong Thap Muoi sub-region: advantages of the sub-region includes rice production, pineapple, mango, catfish ... Orientation of transferring land using structure in 2020: stabilizing area of growing
fruit treesin concentrated growing area;increasing area ofmangroveforestandcatfish breedingindeep flood zone, controlling floodin August( in northern of Nguyen Van Tiep canal); increasing area of3 rice crops, rice agricultural products andpineapple, reducing sugarcanearea inaverage and hollow flooded, controlling flood in the wholly year.
- Sub-region of Long Xuyen quadrangle: advantages of the sub-region includes rice production, catfish breeding, brackish water shrimp... Orientation of transferring land using structure in 2020: stabilizing area of growing 2-3 rice crops; increasing area of rice-seafoodinboth area of fresh and brackishwater; increasing area ofrawcatfish breeding in Hau riverand area of breeding brackish watershrimp; afforesting mangrove protective forestswesterncoastalareas.
- Sub-region between Tien - Hau River: advantages of the sub region includes rice production, all kinds of fruit trees (except pineapple), vegetables and freshwater seafood breeding. Orientation of transferring land using structure: stabilizing fruit tree-growing areas, increasing area of growing rice-agricultural products and area of materials catfish breeding along Tien and Hau rivers.
- Sub region in western Hau river: Advantage of the sub region include production of rice, all kinds of fruit trees, sugar cane and fresh water aquaculture breeding.
Orientation of transferring landusing structure: increasing area of growing 3 rice crops, rice – agricultural products, rice – fresh seafood, fruit trees(citrus) andsugarcane.
- Sub region of Ca Mau peninsula: Advantage of the sub region include aquaculture breeding, afforesting and salt production in salt affected area, production of rice, growing fruit trees and sugarcane in freshwater area. Orientation of transferring land using structure: stabilizing salt production area, increasing area of aquaculture breeding and mangrove forest; stabilizing area of growing 2-3 rice crops and sugarcane; increasing area of growing rice, brackish shrimp and fruit trees.
- Sub region of East sea coastalestuaries: advantage of the sub region includes rice production, fruit tree and sugarcane in freshwaterareas, aquaculture breeding andmangroves forest. Orientation of transferring land using structure: stabilizingarea2-3rice, fruitandsugarcane, increasing area of growing rice and brackishshrimpinfreshwaterareas; increasing area ofaquaculture breedingandcoastalmangroves forest.
2. Plan of key products
2.1. Cultivation

- Rice: using flexible, efficient land area for growing rice; increasing area of
rice –agricultural products rotation (in springsummer crop) andrice-seafood(in summer-autumn crop); implementingflood dischargealternatelyon land area of growing rice in autumn-winter crop which hassafedykesinflooded areas. Reducing land area for growing ricein 2020to about4millionhectares, output ofrice reaches about24 to 24.5milliontons. By 2030, land area for growing paddy is about3.8 to 3.9millionhectares, output of paddy posts about23-24milliontons. Key solution for restructuring, improving efficiencyof paddy production:
+ To apply synchronously advanced intensive-cultivation measures, focusing on producing at large scale rice variety of grade I to increase rate of rice production area of using of certified rice seeds or equivalent to over 80% by 2020; increasing land area of for growing corn, soybean, sesame ...on rice cultivation land, especially in spring - summer crop and summer - autumn crop; moving promptly structure of 3 paddy crops from winter spring – autumn summer – autumn summer to structure of spring winter - summer autumn and winter autumn in freshwater areas, shallow flooded area and non-flooded area; implementing rotating flood discharge on land area of growing 3 paddy crops in average flooded area, deep flooded area controlling flood in the wholly year; promoting mechanization and post-harvest technologies to increase productivity, quality and reduce costs.
+ To develop concentrated areas, large fields of high quality rice production of around 1.2 million hectares associating with factories of processing rice for exports; out of which, 60% of land area for growing rice using high quality seed, the rest 40% using seed of average quality.
+ To invest in upgrading system of processing, storage using advanced technology, raising rate of recovered rice to 68%, reducing post-harvest losses to 5-6%, improving quality of rice exports, increasing 10-15% of added value of export rice comparing to current levels.
- Corn: expanding land area for growing corn which have natural favorable conditions, especially on high area, area for summer spring and summer autumn rice crop, moving towards establishment of centralized production area linking between farmers, purchasing companies and processing factories. To strive to 2020, area for growing corn hits 100,000 hectares with an output of 700,000 tons, supplying raw material supply for factories of processing animal feed and aquaculture feed.
- All kinds of vegetables: to construct area of specializing in vegetable cultivation and areas of rotational vegetable cultivation which apply clean vegetable process, focusing on area of production of raw materials for fruit and vegetable processing factories, traditional vegetable area, sub-urban and industrial park areas. To promote implementation of vegetable intensive cultivation under VietGAP standards, raising awareness about food hygiene and safety for producers and consumers. To strive to 2020, area for growing vegetables reaches 333,000 hectares, vegetable output hits 6 million tons.
- Sugar: To stabilize concentrated area of growing material sugar cane with an area of
52,000-55,000haand an output of5.3milliontonsto serveexisting sugarfactories, meetingrequirements of increasing capacity of sugarcane pressing of sugar factories to about28,000 tonsof sugar cane/dayin 2020. To focus on improving sugarcane seed to increase capacity andsugar content; to continue to encouragebusinesslinkingwith farmersinproduction and purchasing sugarcane material.
-Soybeans: It is expected to hit 30,000 ha of growing soybeanby 2020, mainly onrice cultivationin summer spring crop and spring winter crop with an output of 90,000tons. Focusing on improvingseed qualitytowardshighyield, pest resistance, suitable with wetfield, constructing centralized production area in associationwithprocessing factories.
- Coconut: land area of growing coconut trees is about 123,300 and coconut output reaches 1 million tons; focusing on renovating poor gardens and old coconut tree garden, replacing by new seed with high capacity; replicating forms of intercropping cocoa + coconut, coconut + fruit trees, coconut + aquaculture breeding, applying appropriate technical process of intensive-cultivation.
-Fruits: it is estimated that land area of growing fruit trees increases to300,000hectares by 2020and output of fruit hits 3,872,000 tons; out of which, only land area of growing 9 groupof keyfruit: citrus(oranges, tangerines, grapefruit), mangoes, durian, apple, dragon fruit, pineapple, banana, longan, rambutan is about185,000ha.Eachprovincegrows2-3 types of key, advantagefruit crops in concentrated area, applyingadvancedmanufacturing process, reaching highqualitystandards, foodsafety and hygiene; adopting measures of crop spreadingto raising selling prices as well as advanced preservationmeasurestoreducepost-harvestlosses.
To build trademarks and expand market for key fruit product being able to exports including grapefruit, mango, apple, dragon fruit, pineapple and banana. To invest in building many fruit processing factories with modern technology in province having large area of growing fruit treessuch asTienGiang, BenTre, VinhLong, Soc Trang.
2.2. Breeding
- To shift promptly from small-sized, distracted livestock in residential areas to concentrated livestock farm outside residential areas; to encourage and support farmers applying advanced breeding technique, organizing self-contained production or linking stages in value chain to enhance productivity, reduce costs, increase efficiency; to strengthen disease control, quality and price of cattle-feed and veterinary medicine, treating environment of livestock.
- To prioritize development of flock of chickens, especially chickens of colored hair and flock of pigs under industrial scale; to restore controlled field running flock of ducks under, developing flock of duck of super meat and super eggs under mode of confinement breeding; to utilize appropriate conditions of each region and locality to develop flock of cows, flock of buffaloes and specialties livestock. Objective to 2020, it reaches 6 million of pigs, 49 million of chickens, 40 million of ducks and other poultry, 822,500 of cows, 62,000 of buffaloes. Output of kinds of meats hits 1,293,000 tons in 2020, output of poultry egg of 2,640,000 units.
- To encourage development of systems of concentrated slaughter-house; to upgrade existing processing factories and build more new factories of processing breeding products having modern technology and diversified products; to build more factories of producing feed in order to meet demand on livestock development in the region, reducing feed transportation costs, lower cost of livestock.
- To continue to invest in construction of facilities of researching, manufacturing, transferring science and technology of livestock in localities in the region. To perform synchronously solutions of disease management, ensuring safety, sustainable development for livestock industry.
2.3. Forestry
- To plant, look after, protect well forest and area of scattered forestry trees, especially wave-stopping protective forest in areas of coastal erosion and alluvial areas; to strengthen and protect specialized using forest; to restore ecosystem of mangrove forest, indigo forests; to improve artificial forest to raise coverage and protection capacity; to diversify mode of combined agriculture - forestry - fishery cultivation in production forest land to increase incomes and improve living of foresters.
- Arranged forestry land area is 330,500 hectares by 2020, an increase of 19,800 ha; out of which, production forest area is 158,700 ha, protection forest area of 95,300 hectares, special-use forest area of 76,500 hectares.
- From now to 2020, area of artificial forest hits 172,000 hectares (out of which, newly planted forest area on occupied land is 28,000 hectares, the rest are newly planted production forests after harvesting); to regenerate 26,000 hectares of forest, including 11,000 hectares in coastal alluvial zone; to plant 575 million scattered trees on banks of canals, embankments, sea dikes, transportation, offices precinct, schools, hospitals, house ...; extracting 7.5 million
m3 of kinds of timberand38.5million m3 of firewood.
- To review, consolidate and upgrade forest products processing facilities at small and medium scale; to encourage construction of facilities of producing, processing timber of artificial forest and non-timber forest products in industrial clusters, parks, mainly processing plywood and pulp.
2.4. Fisheries
- Aquaculture:
To plan breeding area, breeding subjects, adjusting mode of breeding in accordance with ecological conditions, trend of impact of climate change as well as demand of domestic market and export. To focus on investment in building concentrated intensive cultivation breeding zone having synchronous infrastructure system which are suitable for key breeding subjects catfish, sugpo prawn, green clawed crayfish, white shrimp..., looking forward to feed sea fishes, sea clams, seaweed attaching to factories of fishery processing to gain initiative in output, improve quality and ensure environmental hygiene.
Area of water surface for aquaculture hits 812,000 ha by 2020, including: area of brackish water surface is 636,000 hectares, including 571,000 hectares of shrimp; area of freshwater aquaculture is 176,000 hectares, including area of breeding catfish of 10 hectares. Aquaculture output is about 3 million tons by 2020, including: fish 2.1 million tons, including 1.8 million tons of catfish; output of shrimp of 578,000 tons, out of which 521,000 tons of brackish water shrimp and other aquatic output of 305,000 tons.
To shift models of extensive farming to models of improved extensive farming or models of combined extensive farming, applying advanced techniques to increase productivity, output and protect environment. To shift a part of extensive farming area to model of semi-intensive farming and model of intensive farming at industrial scale in zones having favorable conditions, applying advanced technologies of farming and environmental treatment, reaching standard of high quality, biological safety (GAP, BMP, CoC).
By 2030, it is expected that aquaculture area is about 730,000 hectares; output of aquaculture reaches about 3.7 million tons.
- Exploiting and protecting fisheries resources:

To continue to invest in resource research, investigation and predicting fishing grounds to exploit seafood; reorganizing offshore fishing fleet, fishing ports and wafts, anchorage zone of sheltering from storm, fisheries logistics zone on coastal and on island towards modernization associating with protecting maritime sovereignty; to construct and develop marine protection zones and inland waters protection zones as plan. By 2020, the entire region is estimated to have 7,000 fishing boats with a capacity of over 90 CV, fish output is about 490,000 tons.
By 2030, the entire region is expected to have a capacity of 7,500 fishing ships with a capacity of 90 CV, fish output is about 510,000 tons.
- Fisheries processing:
To stabilize number of factories, investing in upgrading processing facilities and cold storage systems towards modernization, raising capacity of utilization up to 70% comparing to that  40-50% currently in order to improve quality and added value of fisheries products.
2.5. Salt
- To stabilize concentrated salt production area, shifting rapidly from traditional method of salt production to clean salt production methods applying advanced technology to improve productivity and quality.
- Salt production area is expected to hit 4,600 ha by 2020, average capacity of over 70 tons/ha and salt output reaches over 320,000 tons, out of which, 60-70% of them is pure salt.
3. Developing rural industries, traditional villages
3.1. Development of rural industries

- To exploit and use efficiently resource of raw materials and skilled labor at each locality; innovating technology process and upgrading equipment; to promote development of traditional industries and extend gradually new industries in rural areas; transferring economic and labor structure, raising income, eradicating hunger and reducing poverty, preserving ethnic cultural character and constructing new rural areas.
- It is expected that by 2020, the entire region has about 160,700 units of rural industries, creating jobs for 505,200 employees, accounting for 6% of rural labor force. Rural industry groups which will be focused on developing including processing and storage of agricultural, forestry and fishery products with 55,000 units and creating jobs for 196,100 employees; production of building materials, furniture, textiles, mechanical with 25,700 units, creating jobs for 77,900 employees; production of handicrafts and weaving with 34,500 units and creating jobs for 100,000 employees; production of decorative plants and pet seed and trading decorative plants and pet with 9,000 units and creating jobs for about 31,300 employees; rural service with 36,500 units and creating jobs for 99,800 employees.

3.2. Development of rural traditional village
- Give priority to preserve and develop traditional craft villages associating with environmental protection and tourism service development in rural areas, develop more new traditional villages; to focus on management measures to minimize environmental pollution, especially in food, foodstuff processing villages.
-It is expected thatby 2020, the wholly regionhas285 traditional villageswith101,400 units and creating jobs for 280,200 employees, accounting for55.5% of rurallabor force. Traditional villagehaving big number of production facilities will be focused ondeveloping including seafoodprocessing, boat-building, cake and noodle production, production of building materials, flowersandornamental plants, handicraft production fromwater hyacinth, sedge.
4. Developing infrastructure for agriculture production andnewrural construction
4.1. Irrigation

To invest in irrigation under multi-purpose orientation to meet development requirements of agricultural, forestry and fisheries production, population protection, clean water supply for people’s living, industrial production and services. To upgrade, complete system of sea dykes and river dikes to adapt to climate change. To gradually build system of irrigation works in a number of large estuaries, firstly Cai Lon - Cai Be estuary. To upgrade and newly build projects of flood control, flood drainage, clean water supply, water drainage, water storage in rivers and canals in the region, especially coastal areas. To invest synchronously infield irrigation systems, small and medium sized electric pump stations; to support adoption of water-saving measures; to enhance effectiveness of management and exploitation of irrigation systems. Specific project solution for each sub-region as follows:
- Sub region of Dong Thap muoi: To invest completely in system of embankments and dykes to prevent flood, flood-tide along rivers; to dredge, extend system of cross channels to increase water supply from Tien river to Vam Co river; building projects to proactively store water and control salt water on Vam Co river; to invest in work of additional fresh water for project of Bao Dinh and project of Go Cong.
- Sub region of Long Xuyen quadrangle: To complete systems of projects of border flood control and preventing salt water in west sea coastal region, system of irrigation projects for aquaculture in Long Xuyen quadrangle and  western bypass of city of Long Xuyen; building many projects in the region including: upgrading, repairing some reservoirs, building levees, culverts in channels; dredging and extending axis channel.
- Sub-region between Tien river and Hau River: to complete system of flood control works; to dredge and expand channels connecting Tien river and Hau river.
- Sub-region in western of Hau river: to dredge, expand axis canal linking from Hau river to infield; building Cai Lon – Cai Be culvert.
- Sub region of Ca Mau peninsula: To perfect system of sea dykes, river dikes, projects of separating saltwater and freshwater, upgrading culvert system along highway No.I; dredging, opening new canal system in the region; to research solutions for supplementing freshwater for shrimp breeding area; to improve process of regulating water and desalting.
- Sub region of the East sea coastal estuaries: to upgrade system of dykes along Tien river and Hau river; to invest in complete system of works in Ba Lai estuaries; to complete system of sea dykes, river dikes.

4.2. Fishery
To plan and construct production infrastructure and technical infrastructure for shrimp breeding area including, dikes, water supply and drainage canals at grade I, culvert and pumping stations. To invest in centers of environment monitoring and alerting in key aquaculture areas. To invest in anchorage zone of sheltering from storm at both regional and local level in accordance with approved plans; to upgrade, expand and newly construct fishing port system and essential logistics facilities to ensure fishing operations in key fishing grounds.
4.3. Supplying clean water for rural area
To continue to implement effectively national target program on clean water and environment sanitation in rural areas; to encourage organizations and individuals to involve in construction of small and medium-sized station of clean water supply in form of public-private partnerships.
By 2020, 100% of rural population are used clean water.
4.4. Arranging and organizing rural residential and protecting rural environment
To arrange, organize rural residential under residential area and concentrated residential route in accordance with ecological conditions and living practices of residential in each sub-region; to ensure connectivity between village, hamlet with township, centers of province and city; gradually developing rural residential areas to be similar to urban areas; supporting jobs for resettlement households to increase their incomes and stabilize long-term living.
To strictly control, handle efficiently wastefrom living, production ofcrops, livestock, aquacultureand traditional handicrafts being applied low-techto improve landscape and limitenvironmental pollutionin rural areas.
4.5. Other rural social infrastructure projects
To continue to invest in development of other social infrastructure projects in rural areas in Mekong river delta such as transportation, electricity, healthcare, culture, sports, post office, cultural house of villages ... under specialized plans in order to hit objective of 50 % of total number of commune achieving criteria of new rural communes and meet increasing demand of material and spirit living of the people.
IV. Some key solutions                    
1. Task of plan and management of plan

On basis of plan of the entire region, localities in the region should review, supplement plan on development of industry, sectors and key products. Plan solution should be closely linked between plan of the entire region with plan of each localities, between overall plan with plan of sub-sectors, main products ... After being approved, plan should be made public and checked, monitored regularly.
2. Continuing to innovate and build form of organizing production
To continue to restructure, renovate State-owned enterprises operating in field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in order to raise efficiency of use of natural resource and environmental protection. To develop mechanisms and policy and create favorable condition of institution to help farmers transferring production structure, increasing efficiency of land use, including replacing other type of tree on rice land but does not lose rice production capacity in long-term.
- To promote co-operative economic development, innovate mode of propagandizing, canvassing and supporting farmers to raise awareness of co-operative economic; to implement policies of encouraging development of cooperatives, economic clubs, economic groups engaging optionally in production and trade of agriculture, rural industries; raising ability of organizing, management and operation of cooperatives in providing agricultural input services, processing and marketing agricultural products; to encourage cooperative members to contribute capital and create favorable conditions for effectively operating cooperative to borrow credit capital to expand production and trade.
- To encourage development of farms, agricultural enterprises; completing preferential policies on land, credit, tax for farms and businesses, especially in remote area and ethnic minorities.
- To support economic household developing commodity production towards expanding scale of land area, raise capacity of production and business, step by step developing rural service industry to increase income of farmers.
- To review, evaluate, improve and replicate effective models of linking production and product consumption such as a model of large fields; model of linking catfish breeding and shrimp breeding for export processing industry; model of manufacturing products with high quality and food safety; model of processing livestock...Model of linking production and product consumption associating with construction of centralized production, large field is a key model of reforming organization of production in a period from now and 2020.

3. Promoting trade promotion, market development
- To promote synchronous implementation of measures of strengthening and expanding export markets for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products. To enhance application of measures of removing difficulties and technical barriers of importing countries to create favorable conditions for exporting agricultural commodities to other countries.
- To develop market information system and improve operational capacity of trade promotion center from central level to local levels, using efficiently resource of trade promotion program.
- To diversify system of purchasing , processing and marketing of agricultural, forestry and fisheries products; to create favorable conditions for enterprises to purchase agricultural products through contracts of purchasing products; supporting enterprises to raise capacity of processing, exporting key products towards modernization.

- Localities select key products for building branding, trademarks, geographical indications, organizing advertisement of their products on domestic and foreign markets; to create favorable conditions for enterprises processing of export agricultural and fisheries products to build distribution system, expanding network of product sale, linking with the wholesale and the retail sale.
- To promote regional cooperation, links, especially in trade promotion, investment, building material area .... regularly organizing fairs and exhibitions of agriculture, forestry and fisheries products in provinces in the region; creating favorable conditions to support, encourage enterprises and organizations of producing, trading and processing agricultural, forestry, fisheries products to attend annual fair held in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces in the wholly country.
- To strictly control, handle commercial smuggling, fraud in trade activities of agricultural, forestry and fisheries products and agricultural materials.
4. Renovating activities of studying, transferring science and technology
- To gather resources to research, produce variety of cultivated crops and domestic animal with high productivity, quality, suitable for each sub-ecoregion in Mekong delta river area. To give priority to varieties of rice for export, varieties of fruit, shrimp, fish ... For each new variety, it should study process of intensive-cultivation techniques suitable for each specific production conditions.

- To encourage and support farmers to use new varieties and apply advanced farming techniques; to apply model of combined agricultural, forestry and fisheries products, model of biosecurity cultivation for all cultivated crops and domestic animal.
- To encourage investment, development of zones, areas of manufacturing agricultural products with high technology under plan after being approved by the Prime Minister.

- To continue to promote application of mechanization in all stages, from soil preparation to planting, tending, harvesting, storage and processing to improve labor productivity, reduce production costs.
5. Enhancing training and development of human resources
- To implement tasks in strategy of human resource development which has been approved by the Prime Minister, human resource development strategy for agriculture and rural development approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- To determine number of employees, industry structure and required level of training for each local to build plan of training human resources for industrialization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas. Step by step training high-quality human resources for high technology production of agricultural products.
- To promote socialization forms of training; to encourage enterprises of processing, agricultural, rural services to attend training, vocational training for farmers.

- To implement effectively professional training program for rural workers. Mounting vocational training with supporting jobs after vocational training, vocational training under requirements of employers.
6. Mobilizing and using effectively investment capital
- To organize annually, effectively investment cooperation forum of Mekong river delta in order to expand cooperation and attract domestic and foreign investment resource for development of agriculture and rural area.
- To continue to invest in irrigation, clean water, building residential areas from the State budget; to research and transfer science and technology; personnel training...

- To mobilize credit capital to invest in agriculture and rural development, especially resource of medium and long term loans suitable for trade and production cycle of each object; to support procurement of agricultural machinery, construction of processing factories, storage and rural markets. To expand form of mortgage loans, insurance loan, financial leasing loan for enterprises and cooperative...
- To develop investment models of public-private partnerships, public-private cooperation, the State and enterprises take part in invest in building and operating infrastructure projects, providing public services in agriculture and rural area; to support enterprises to re-organize production associating with processing and marketing products to enhance productivity, quality and added value of products.

- To encourage foreign and domestic investment on basis of completing lists of priority projects; to simplify procedures for investment management, procedures for land rent, procedure of tax exemptions and procedures of reducing land rent fees.
7. Supporting agricultural and rural development adapting to climate change and sea level rise
- To propagandize and disseminate widely on impact of climate change to all communities in the region to prevent self-aware, proactively.
- To build organizational systems to direct implementation of national target program on responding to climate change and sea level rise from provincial levels to ward, commune and town level; of which, building detailed action plan to respond proactively and minimize damage.
- To install system of monitoring, warning impact of climate change and sea level rise on agriculture, rural areas in sensitive areas of coastal areas and estuaries.
- To gradually invest to complete irrigation systems, system of sea dykes, river dykes and sewer system and necessary infrastructure to serve agricultural production and ensure living of the people.
Localities forecast, specify level, areas which may be affected by climate change and sea level rise for building specific action program and plan to respond suitably. To prioritize implementation of non project measures to cope with climate change according to the Prime’s Minister’s Decision No.1397/QD-TTg dated September 25, 2012 on approving irrigation plan of Mekong river delta during a period of 2012 - 2020 and orientation to 2050 in condition of climate change.

V. Organizing implementation
1. Units under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

- To functions as the main implementer and in collaboration with other agencies and local authorities in Mekong river delta to build programs, projects, proposals and solutions of implementing the plan.
- To guide localities to review, supplement and build plan on agricultural and rural development; at the same time, strengthening inspection and supervision of management and implementation of plan.
- To coordinate with relevant agencies to build, issue, or submit to the competent authorities for issuing guidance implementation of policies and mechanisms to promote development of agriculture and rural in the Mekong river delta in context of climate change.
2. Central agencies, ministries:
- According to assigned functions and tasks, coordinating with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to guide localities in implementation of the plan.
3. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of provinces:
- To act as counselor for the provincial People's Committee on building plan on agricultural and rural development to 2020 in terms of climate change and implementing approved plan.
- To direct and guide districts, towns and provincial cities and communes, town to build plan on agricultural, forestry and fisheries production in terms of climate change and implementation of new rural development programs.
- To propose programs and projects of implementation of plan to submit to local competent authorities.

Long Giang
Source: mpi.gov.vn


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 Program on strengthening environmental protection, food safety and rural clean water supply in building new countryside in a period of 2021-2025
 Digital transformation program on building new countryside, towards smart new countryside in a period of 2021 - 2025
 Rural tourism development program on new rural construction in a period of 2021 - 2025
 Project on development of trade, e-commerce systems and border trade in Binh Phuoc province in a period of 2021-2025, orientation to 2030

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