National strategy on biodiversity to 2030, vision to 2050
Wednesday, August 31,2022AsemconnectVietnam - Biodiversity is an important natural capital for green economy development; Biodiversity conservation is both an immediate solution and a long-term and sustainable solution to protect environment, prevent natural disasters and adapt to climate change
I. Viewpoints, objectives and vision
1. Viewpoints
a) Biodiversity is an important natural capital for green economy development; Biodiversity conservation is both an immediate solution and a long-term and sustainable solution to protect environment, prevent natural disasters and adapt to climate change.
b) Conserving biodiversity in combination with sustainable use of ecosystem services and biodiversity, contributing to socio-economic development, poverty reduction, and improvement of people's quality of life; implement an ecosystem approach to biodiversity conservation and use.
c) Biodiversity conservation is right and responsibility of all organizations and individuals. Benefits from biodiversity and ecosystem services are shared fairly and reasonably, in accordance with the participation and contributions of organizations and individuals.
d) Increase resources, prioritize investment in biodiversity conservation, restoration and development of natural ecosystems; promote socialization and strengthen international cooperation on biodiversity conservation.
2. Objectives to 2030
a) Overall objectives
Increasing area of natural ecosystems to be protected, restored and ensured integrity and connectivity; biodiversity is conserved and used sustainably in order to contribute to socio-economic development in the direction of a green economy, proactively adapting to climate change.
b) Specific objectives
- Expand and improve efficiency of management of the system of natural heritages and nature reserves, ensuring the achievement of the following basic criteria: the area of nature reserves on the mainland strives to reach 9% land area; the area of protected sea and coastal areas accounts for 3-5% of the national natural sea area; 70% of nature reserves and natural heritages are assessed for management effectiveness; internationally recognized natural areas: 15 wetlands of international importance (Ramsar site), 14 biosphere reserves, 15 ASEAN heritage parks; the national forest coverage rate remains stable from 42% to 43%; recover at least 20% of degraded natural ecosystems.
- Effectively conserve wild species, especially endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection, and migratory species; no more wild species go extinct; the population status of at least 10 endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection is improved; wild genetic resources and plant and animal varieties are preserved and conserved to achieve the goal of collecting and preserving at least 100,000 genetic resources.
- Value of biodiversity and ecosystem services is assessed, maintained and enhanced through sustainable use, limiting negative impacts on biodiversity; nature-based solutions are deployed and applied in socio-economic development, natural disaster prevention and adaptation to climate change; promote access and fair and reasonable sharing of benefits from the use of genetic resources.
3. Vision to 2050
By 2050, important natural ecosystems, endangered species, precious and rare genetic resources will be restored and effectively preserved; Biodiversity and ecosystem services are fully appreciated, used sustainably and bring essential benefits to all people, contribute to ensuring ecological security and proactively respond to climate change, sustainable development of the country.
II. Content, key tasks
1. Enhance conservation and restoration of biodiversity
a) Expand and improve the efficiency of management of natural heritage systems, nature reserves and biodiversity corridors
- Effectively implement the National Biodiversity Conservation Plan to 2030, with a vision to 2050. On basis of approved master plans, continue to strengthen and expand the system of natural heritage sites and areas, nature conservation; promote the establishment of wetland and marine protected areas; establishment and sustainable management of biodiversity corridors connecting nature reserves.
- Consolidate and strengthen capacity of the management system of nature reserves; review, complete functions and tasks, organize activities and improve the capacity of management boards and organizations assigned to manage natural heritage zones and nature reserves; invest in and upgrade infrastructure, technical systems and equipment in service of biodiversity monitoring and management; environmental education, biodiversity; pilot and step by step apply models of co-management of nature reserves in suitable areas.
- Formulate and promulgate criteria and organize the evaluation of the effectiveness of management of natural heritage and nature reserves; guidelines for registration for recognition of nature reserves in the global “Green List”.
- Develop regulations and guidelines for environmental protection of natural heritage, compensation for biodiversity, investment policies for natural heritage, wetland conservation areas, marine conservation areas; formulating policies on job change, supporting the implementation of sustainable household livelihood models of communities living legally in the buffer zone.
b) Consolidation and expansion of natural areas of national and international importance
- Building a legal corridor to manage the natural heritages recognized by international organizations and the world biosphere reserves in the direction of integrated management with the participation of stakeholders; ensuring harmony between conservation goals and socio-economic development, promoting resources to realize sustainable development goals.
- Guide the nomination for recognition of international titles on biodiversity; review and evaluate areas meeting the criteria for recognition of international titles, focusing on areas representing ecological zones, sea areas and islands in the nomination of important wetland areas, international Ramsar, world natural heritage, ASEAN heritage garden; establish and strengthen the network capacity of biosphere reserves, world natural heritage sites, Ramsar sites, ASEAN heritage gardens.
- Building models of biodiversity conservation associated with sustainable development, improving community livelihoods; give priority to the application of pilot models and new mechanisms for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in biosphere reserves.
c) Apply effective conservation measures in areas outside the nature reserve
- Investigate, evaluate and identify areas of high biodiversity and important wetlands; guide implementation of effective biodiversity conservation measures in these areas.
- Implement measures to effectively protect and prevent illegal destruction and exploitation of forests, coral reefs and seagrass beds; protect breeding areas, areas where young aquatic species live and migration routes of aquatic species; carry out additional stocking of native and endemic aquatic species of economic and scientific value into natural waters; to study the formation of artificial habitats for endangered, precious and rare aquatic species.
- Promote effective management of important wetlands; scale up effective wetland use models.
- Establish mechanisms to support establishment of natural heritage sites and community-managed conservation areas to protect areas of high biodiversity, especially bird sanctuaries and habitats of endangered, granted, precious and rare spices are prioritized for protection.
d) Restoration of degraded important natural ecosystems
- Implement program to restore mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass beds, with priority given to marine protected areas; zoning protection for natural restoration of areas with degraded coral reefs and seagrass beds.
- Apply measures to zoning for regeneration and natural restoration of degraded ecosystems in nature reserves, areas of high biodiversity, biodiversity corridors.
- Organize effective implementation of national action plan on conservation and sustainable use of wetlands in the 2021 - 2030 period; project on planting one billion trees in the period of 2021 - 2025, associated with the goal of restoring and developing forest ecosystems.
- Develop procedures and technical guidelines to restore degraded natural ecosystems, especially wetland ecosystems, coral reefs, seagrass beds.
2. Conservation and restoration of endangered wild species, especially endangered, precious and rare animals prioritized for protection, and migratory species
- Formulate and organize the implementation of program on conservation of endangered, precious and rare wildlife species prioritized for protection; focus on in situ conservation, research on breeding, conservation and re-release into the wild a number of endangered precious and rare species prioritized for protection; manage and protect migratory wild species, including protecting their habitats, transboundary migration routes and stopping points; strengthen coordination with international organizations to establish a tracking and monitoring system for important migratory routes of migratory wild species.
- Investigate and assess status of endangered, precious and rare wild plant species; to build and develop botanical gardens, apply measures to propagate, restore and expand planting areas of wild, endangered, precious and rare plant species prioritized for protection; implement on-site conservation of valuable medicinal plant species.
- Periodically update and publicize list of endangered precious and rare species prioritized for protection; updating, compiling and building an electronic information page on the Vietnam Red Book; develop a list of endangered wild species and a management and protection regime suitable to each group of species.
- Expand and strengthen network of rescue centers nationwide to meet needs of wildlife rescue by region and type of wildlife rescue, develop conservation breeding facilities ; strengthen system of exhibitions, displays and museums of nature and biodiversity in Vietnam; complete the legal framework and technical guidelines for the management of biodiversity conservation facilities.
3. Strengthening conservation of genetic resources, managing access to genetic resources, sharing benefits and protecting traditional knowledge about genetic resources
- To effectively implement the Program on conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources up to 2025, with orientation to 2030; strengthen the investigation, collection and storage of genetic resources of endangered wild species, forest trees, medicinal plants, plants, domestic animals and wild relatives of plant varieties, domestic animals and microorganisms in gene banks; take measures to conserve precious, rare, endemic and endangered wild genetic resources.
- Complete survey and inventory of distribution of genetic resources of plants and animals nationwide; assess threat level of native, endemic, precious and rare varieties and species for breeding, in order to collect for storage and have an effective plan for conserving genetic resources.
- Expanding and strengthening the gene fund network; strengthen the exchange of information, data and experiences among network members; promote the construction of the national genetic resource database.
- Diversify plant varieties and livestock breeds; conservation of plant varieties, livestock breeds and wild relatives of plant varieties and livestock breeds; improve effectiveness of programs on conservation of endangered, precious and rare plant varieties and animal breeds on farms; implement measures to encourage the community to participate in conservation of precious, rare and endemic indigenous plant and animal varieties.
- Strengthening collection, documentation, making of geographical indications and taking measures to preserve traditional knowledge on genetic resources.
- Promote implementation of Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing; complete and guide implementation of law on access to genetic resources; deploying, replicating implementation of models on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, including protection of traditional knowledge related to genetic resources; develop a financial mechanism for the use of benefits derived from genetic resources in biodiversity conservation and protection of traditional knowledge related to genetic resources.
- Continue to effectively implement Project on capacity building on management of access to genetic resources and fair and reasonable sharing of benefits arising from use of genetic resources in 2016-2025 period.
4. Assess and promote benefits of biodiversity for sustainable development, natural disaster prevention and adaptation to climate change
a) Investigate, inventory, make statistics, evaluate and build a national database on biodiversity
- Investigate, statistic the area, assess status, map the distribution of important wetlands, seagrass beds, coral reefs and other specific natural marine ecosystems in order to deploy solutions, measures to protect and restore wetland and marine ecosystems; monitoring forest resource changes nationwide.
- Organize effective implementation of Scheme on inventory, monitoring, reporting and building national biodiversity database to 2030, with a vision to 2050, in which priority is given to inventory, monitoring biodiversity in nature reserves, areas of high biodiversity, endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection.
- Create environment and conditions for organizations, individuals and communities to participate in inventory, monitoring, reporting and operation of biodiversity database.
b) Sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Develop guidelines for assessing value of ecosystem services, pilot application in nature reserves and natural heritage sites; continue to improve policy of payment for forest environmental services; researching, developing mechanisms and policies, piloting and implementing payment for wetland and marine ecosystem services in order to protect, restore and develop biodiversity and natural landscapes.
- Develop mechanisms, policies and standards for sustainable eco-tourism and nature-based tourism to minimize impacts on biodiversity; implementing eco-tourism models in nature reserves, important ecological landscapes, natural heritage areas with green and environmentally friendly service infrastructures; develop specific eco-tourism products that link and contribute to biodiversity conservation; strengthening capacity at all levels, coordination and linkage among parties involved in ecotourism activities, especially between Management Boards, organizations assigned to manage nature reserves, tourism enterprises, etc. calendar, community, and promoting the role of the private sector in public-private partnership models.
- Preserve and develop non-timber forest products and specific medicinal herbs of different regions in the direction of intensive, sustainable, high added value (especially traditional products such as cinnamon, anise, soya, turpentine, etc.) rattan, bamboo, ...), contributing to improving livelihoods, generating income, eradicating hunger and reducing poverty for mountainous areas and ethnic minorities; implement measures to protect and develop valuable non-timber forest products, especially medicinal and ornamental plants.
- Continue to perfect mechanisms, policies, guide the multiplication and rearing of common wild species and strictly control the commercial farming of wild species to ensure that biodiversity is not affected; install chips and keep records of farmed objects that are endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection.
- Research, develop markets and bio-trade for biodiversity-friendly products through sustainable supply chain and production model practices.
- Strengthen protection, improvement and effective management of agro-ecosystems in economic zones; develop environmentally friendly organic agriculture, raise the percentage of agricultural land for organic production to 2.5% - 3%.
- Enhance research, development and application of agro-forestry-fishery production and management models in the direction of applying modern, environmentally friendly biotechnology, creating safe products, quality according to international standards, meeting the needs of domestic use and participating in the global supply chain.
- Ensure exploitation and use of biodiversity resources, ecosystem services and activities that emit into the natural environment within the load-bearing limits of the ecosystem.
c) Conservation and development of urban and rural biodiversity
- Preserve, restore and develop green spaces, natural ecosystems and natural landscapes in urban areas; ensure the area of green trees and water surface in urban areas according to regulations.
- Implement the Project "Growing a billion trees in the 2021 - 2025 period" in urban areas and rural areas in order to enhance the benefits of green space to people's health and well-being; to give priority to planting indigenous trees of value for environmental protection, biodiversity, and adaptation to climate change.
- Developing green buildings, green cities, smart cities, adapting to climate change; develop botanical gardens at schools; research, develop and promulgate standards and regulations on natural landscapes and biodiversity in urban development.
d) Biodiversity conservation and adaptation to climate change
- Research, evaluate and forecast effects of climate change on biodiversity in Vietnam, implement biodiversity conservation plans in areas strongly affected by climate change; building a map of risk zoning due to climate change for natural ecosystems.
- Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, community-based ecosystem services and adaptation to climate change, with priority given to conservation of precious genetic resources, endangered species and important ecosystems; Risk assessment and control of invasive alien species under the impact of climate change.
- Applying an ecosystem approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation in vulnerable areas such as river basins, coastal areas (especially the Red River Delta region, Mekong Delta), implement solutions to improve resilience of biodiversity to climate change in these areas; enhance resilience of natural ecosystems and protect and conserve biodiversity.
- Building biodiversity conservation models in areas of high biodiversity and vulnerable to climate change; scaling up ecosystem-based climate change adaptation livelihood models, nature-based adaptation solutions and community knowledge, while increasing capacity to absorb greenhouse gases; application of knowledge of local people in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, ensuring sustainable livelihoods.
- Continue to implement the National Program on GHG emission reduction through efforts to limit forest loss and degradation; conservation, enhancement of carbon stocks and sustainable management of forest resources (REDD+ Program).
5. Control activities that have negative impacts on biodiversity
a) Strictly control activities of changing land use purposes, forests, water surface, unsustainable farming and exploitation methods and activities that cause environmental pollution.
- Guide and perform well impact assessment of natural landscape and biodiversity in environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment; formulating, promulgating and implementing the biodiversity compensation mechanism.
- Minimize and strictly control the conversion of special-use forests, protection forests, and production forests which are natural forests and important wetlands, especially key conservation areas. important river basins and coastal areas; prevent destructive fishing activities of aquatic resources, change occupations that have great impacts on resources and consume a lot of fuel to environmentally friendly fishing occupations and aquatic resources.
- To effectively implement solutions to curb the increasing rate of environmental pollution and negatively affect biodiversity; strengthen control of waste, especially plastic waste, sources of pollution, maintain and improve quality of the environment around natural heritage sites, nature reserves, biodiversity areas high.
- Promote sustainable production and consumption models, consuming less fuel and energy; develop and replicate sharing economic models, circular economy, low carbon, eco-friendly environment. Propagating and instructing people to use environmentally friendly products to contribute to the protection of biodiversity.
- Continue to restructure agriculture and fishery industry in the direction of applying high technology, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), organic agriculture, sustainable aquaculture, green growth, adaptation to climate change; limit the use of chemicals in agriculture (plant protection drugs, antibiotics, growth agents, chemical fertilizers).
b) Control illegal exploitation, captive breeding, trade and consumption of wild animals and plants
- Control the exploitation of wild species, especially birds during the migration season, aquatic species in the breeding season, and old forest trees.
- Continue to control and prevent illegal exploitation, catching, transportation and trading of rare and precious plant and animal species; ensure that the import of wild animals and plants does not adversely affect biodiversity and human health.
- Review, evaluate, inspect and supervise activities of raising wild animals; control the implementation of legal requirements on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation at licensed wildlife breeding establishments; eliminate illegal wildlife markets and venues.
- Implement safety measures for people and domesticated wild animals, ensure compliance with environmental sanitation conditions, control animal diseases and prevent diseases transmitted from animals to humans according to the “One Health” approach of the World Health Organization.
- Widely campaigning and propagating about not consuming and using products from wild animals; promote the participation of the community and media agencies in detecting and preventing illegal exploitation, captive breeding, trade and consumption of wild animals and plants.
- Strengthening capacity for law enforcement and management and perfecting and implementing inter-sectoral coordination mechanism among environmental police, market management, customs, forest rangers, fisheries, environment and other agencies. relevant agencies in detecting, effectively preventing and strictly handling acts of illegal exploitation, captive breeding, trading and consumption of wild animals and plants.
- Strengthening the law enforcement network on wildlife conservation (Vietnam WEN); strengthen cooperation with regional and international law enforcement networks (ASEAN WEN, Interpol) in illegal trade and transportation of wild animals and plants.
c) To prevent, strictly control and effectively control invasive alien species; strengthen biosafety management of genetically modified organisms
- Completing legal framework to prevent and control invasive alien species; periodically publish a list of invasive alien species, establish a mechanism to control the spread of invasive alien species; strictly manage activities of raising and planting alien species at risk of invasion according to the provisions of law; implement measures to control and eradicate invasive alien species; prevent illegal import, cultivation, development, transportation and trading activities of invasive alien species.
- Controlling risks from genetically modified organisms, focusing on the management of import, licensing and development of the rearing and cultivation of genetically modified organisms; strengthen cooperation, exchange and learn from experience to improve technical and professional capacity of agencies and units on biosafety management for genetically modified organisms.
III. Main solution
1. Completing policies, laws and management institutions, strengthening capacity for law enforcement on biodiversity
- Develop national biodiversity conservation planning and integrate requirements on biodiversity conservation in regional, sectoral and provincial plan.
- Researching and perfecting system of legal documents on nature conservation and biodiversity; research and develop guiding documents on the restoration of natural ecosystems to contribute to biodiversity conservation, natural disaster prevention, adaptation to climate change and sustainable development; legal documents on legal obligations and compensation in biosafety management activities for genetically modified organisms.
- Consolidate and strengthen the capacity of the system of state management agencies in charge of biodiversity in order to effectively implement biodiversity management; improve the efficiency of coordination among ministries and branches with related management functions on biodiversity conservation; strengthen the capacity of provincial specialized units on environmental protection in performing the tasks of state management of biodiversity; develop and implement a coordination mechanism between state management agencies in charge of biodiversity and socio-political organizations, development partners in the field of biodiversity conservation.
- Improve capacity, provide professional training in biodiversity management of environmental managers and managers of nature reserves and natural heritage zones; provide conditions and strengthen coordination capacity in law enforcement on biodiversity protection for environmental police, forest rangers, fishery control, market management, customs and border guards; mobilize the participation of military forces in the management and protection of nature reserves and natural heritage sites in border and island areas; establish a hotline to handle cases of violations on the protection of biodiversity, wild animals and plants in the locality.
2. Raise awareness and awareness about nature conservation and biodiversity
- Disseminate and raise awareness of all levels and sectors on the view that biodiversity is an important natural capital, the foundation contributing to ensuring sustainable development of the country; biodiversity conservation is one of the effective solutions to protect the environment and adapt to climate change; continue to raise awareness and thinking of all levels and sectors on the role and importance of biodiversity conservation in development policy making; clearly define the responsibilities of all levels, branches and local authorities for biodiversity conservation; research and put biodiversity conservation criteria into environmental protection criteria.
- Enhancing education to raise awareness of nature protection, wildlife protection, building a culture of friendly behavior towards nature; integrate the content of biodiversity conservation into the content of environmental protection in educational curricula at all levels; raising awareness of law compliance and social responsibility for nature and biodiversity conservation of organizations and individuals; study mechanisms and encourage organizations and individuals to sign with management agencies and implement voluntary standards and commitments on conservation of nature and biodiversity.
- Diversify forms, contents and methods of providing information on biodiversity suitable to the media; regularly disseminate legislation on biodiversity conservation in the media. Honoring examples and initiatives of organizations and individuals on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
- Ensure equal participation and rights of local people and communities, women and girls, and young people in decision-making processes related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
3. Promote the integration and implementation of requirements on biodiversity conservation in policy making, public investment projects
- Promote the implementation of biodiversity targets in national, sectoral and local strategies, master plans and plans; guiding the integration of biodiversity conservation in public investment projects; increase the application of nature-based solutions in socio-economic development, natural disaster prevention and adaptation to climate change.
- Improve the quality of strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment to contribute to limiting negative impacts on biodiversity; supervise the implementation of commitments on biodiversity conservation during the construction and implementation of development projects.
- Integrate the implementation of contents and requirements on biodiversity conservation in the process of implementing national target programs.
4. Promote scientific research, development, transfer and application of advanced technologies in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
- Promote scientific research on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; to research and apply science and technology in developing models for raising and re-releasing wild species into the wild, sustainably using species and genetic resources; strengthen research aimed at managing or controlling the negative impacts of biotechnology on biodiversity and human health.
- Developing, receiving and transferring new technologies, using sustainable exploitation methods of natural resources and biodiversity.
- Enhance research and discovery of genetic materials and derivatives with high application value for socio-economic development; create favorable conditions for domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to access genetic resources for the purpose of research and development of commercial products.
- Effectively apply the achievements of modern science and technology (information technology, remote sensing, biology,...) in management, investigation, observation, monitoring, inspection and supervision. Biodiversity; strengthen basic research in life sciences, research and apply modern techniques of taxonomy in order to discover and announce new species of organisms for science in Vietnam.
- Develop and implement national scientific and technological tasks on biodiversity in order to research and propose solutions for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
5. Secure financial resources for biodiversity conservation
- Balancing and allocating state budget capital to carry out tasks, solutions, schemes and priority projects of the Strategy in accordance with the law on state budget and public investment; prioritize the mobilization of ODA sources to implement the National Strategy on Biodiversity; improve the efficiency of investment capital for biodiversity conservation.
- To encourage and mobilize the participation of communities and businesses to make financial investments for biodiversity conservation; implementing public-private partnership models in conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services and biodiversity; study and promulgate financial policies to support the development of livelihoods of communities living in buffer zones; encourage the development of legal forms of finance for community conservation in order to mobilize and effectively use resources for biodiversity conservation activities, and to develop livelihoods for communities, especially people legally living in the buffer zones of nature reserves.
- Research and apply new and breakthrough financial mechanisms to mobilize resources for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in accordance with international treaties that Vietnam has signed and international practices, such as: biodiversity credit mechanism, debt swap mechanism for nature and biodiversity conservation, green bonds, green credit,...
- Strengthen the support of organizations and individuals for biodiversity conservation activities.
6. Strengthening international integration and cooperation on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
- Actively participate in and implement commitments in international treaties on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity that Vietnam has signed; research and propose to join new international treaties, initiatives, forums and international organizations on biodiversity to ensure national interests.
- Strengthen cooperation in the management of nature and biodiversity, especially with bordering countries; to step up international cooperation in controlling the illegal trade in wild animals and plants, and to exchange experiences with other countries and international organizations on biodiversity.
IV. Funding to implement the strategy
Funds to implement the strategy include:
1. Capital allocated from the state budget according to the provisions of law.
2. Integration in other national target programs, programs, plans and projects.
3. Credit capital from domestic and foreign financial institutions.
4. Revenue from forest environment services and rental of forest environment, environmental services related to biodiversity, payment for ecosystem services.
5. Investment, contribution, support and sponsorship from organizations and individuals.
6. Other financial sources as prescribed by law.
VI. Implementation organization
1. Assign responsibility for implementation
a) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, organizing the implementation of the Strategy; develop and submit to competent authorities for approval and effectively organize a number of assigned programs, schemes and projects.
- Developing and implementing the program on communication and awareness raising on biodiversity; guiding the development of action plans and communication programs, raising awareness on biodiversity at the provincial level; check the implementation of the Strategy; organize a preliminary review of the implementation of the Strategy by 2025 and a summary by 2030.
- Develop and guide the application of management standards for nature reserves and natural heritage sites and implement a program to evaluate management effectiveness.
- Establishing a Partnership Forum between Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and organizations on biodiversity and ecosystem services to share information, create opportunities for cooperation and coordinate actions to enhance efficiency, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
b) Ministry of Planning and Investment
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in, researching and completing investment mechanisms and policies for biodiversity conservation; synthesize and arrange investment capital sources, mobilize international funding sources for the effective implementation of the Strategy; allocate investment capital to implement programs, schemes and projects on biodiversity in accordance with the law on public investment.
c) Ministry of Finance
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant ministries and branches in, studying and perfecting policies on finance and credit for the effective implementation of the Strategy; allocate funds for the implementation of strategy in accordance with law on State budget.
d) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- To assume prime responsibility for, and implement the targets and tasks of strategy under the management responsibility, the key contents and tasks on sustainable use of biodiversity in agriculture, forestry and fishery; strictly control impacts from the change of land and water surface use purposes for the purpose of agricultural, forestry and fishery development, and the change of forest use purposes to other purposes other than forestry.
- Organize effective implementation of the Project "Growing one billion trees in the period of 2021 - 2025" in association with the restoration of natural forest ecosystems; integrate biodiversity conservation tasks into plans, programs and projects on agricultural, forestry and fishery development.
d) Ministry of Science and Technology
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in, researching, formulating and organizing the implementation of scientific and technological schemes, projects and tasks in line with the objectives and contents of the Strategy under its responsibility.
e) Ministry of Public Security
Formulate and organize the implementation of schemes, projects and tasks in line with the objectives and contents of the Strategy under the management responsibility; organize the implementation of tasks to fight and prevent activities that infringe upon national security in the field of biodiversity, prevent and combat crime and crime-related violations in the region to protect biodiversity.
g) Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Organize the implementation of requirements on management and environmental protection of natural heritage in accordance with the provisions of Law on Environmental Protection in tourist areas; coordinate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in formulating and organizing the implementation of requirements on biodiversity conservation in the development of nature-based tourism and eco-tourism; integrate the implementation of requirements on biodiversity conservation in related programs, schemes, projects and tasks in accordance with the objectives and contents of the Strategy.
h) Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and agencies attached to the Government
Within the scope of their assigned responsibilities and powers, relevant ministries, branches and agencies attached to the Government, develop and organize the implementation of programs, schemes, projects and tasks in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, objectives and content of strategy.
i) People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities
- Submitting to the People's Councils of provinces to allocate funds to perform the tasks assigned to the locality from the local budget sources according to the current regulations on decentralization of the state budget; mobilize and use resources provided by the central government and other resources to implement the Strategy.
- Direct the development and implementation of the Provincial Biodiversity Action Plan in 2022; communication programs, raising awareness on biodiversity at the provincial level in line with the objectives and contents of the Strategy and the actual situation of the locality.
k) Request socio-political organizations, social organizations, socio-professional organizations to actively participate in and supervise activities of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity under their management responsibility. ; encourage organizations and individuals to participate in activities of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
2. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy
Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the Government, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Strategy according to their assigned functions, tasks and responsibilities; send the mid-term assessment report to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment before September 31, 2025 and the final assessment report before September 31, 2030 to summarize and report to the Prime Minister.
Source: Vitic/
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