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Construction materials development strategy of Vietnam in a period of 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050 

 Monday, January 25,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - To develop industry of construction material production to an advanced and modern level; products with international standard quality, economical and efficient use of energy, highly competitive in international market, meeting needs of domestic market

Construction materials development strategy of Vietnam in a period of 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050

I. Viewpoint
- Develop construction materials industry effectively and sustainably, basically meeting domestic demand, step by step increase exports, contribute to promoting growth and socio-economic development;
- Fastest access to and apply scientific, technological and managerial achievements, especially the fourth industrial revolution;
- Using resources efficiently, thoroughly saving energy, raw materials, fuel;
- Minimize impact on environment during mining, processing and producing construction materials;
e/ To promote and encourage all economic sectors to invest in and develop construction material industry;
- Allocate a nationwide network of construction material production facilities suitable to natural and social conditions of each region.
II. Development objectives
1. General objective
- To develop industry of construction material production to an advanced and modern level; products with international standard quality, economical and efficient use of energy, highly competitive in international market, meeting needs of domestic market;
- Completely eliminate technology to manufacture outdated construction materials, which consumes a lot of resources and causes environmental pollution;
- Exporting highly competitive and value added products on international markets. To limit export of products using a lot of raw materials, fuels which are non-renewable mineral resources.
2. Specific objectives
Specific objectives of investment, technology, exploitation and use of natural resources, protection of the environment, products and exports of each type of building material for each period are in the attached appendices.
III. Solution
1. Completing institutions and policies
- Develop mechanisms and policies, amend and complete legal documents in direction of encouraging new investment, upgrading investment, converting to technology of producing building materials using energy saving, saving natural resources, increasing the rate of using raw materials, recycled fuels from industrial, agricultural and domestic waste, reducing emissions to protect the environment. Restricting and proceeding to stop production of building materials using inefficient natural resources, causing environmental pollution;
- Review, amend and supplement policies to support mechanical enterprises, support research, design and manufacture of spare parts to improve localization of equipment and machinery in operation, processing raw materials and producing construction materials;
- Renovating and perfecting system of standards and technical regulations for building material products.
2. Exploit mineral resources efficiently and economically
- Strengthen basic investigations of construction materials; organize plan of construction minerals in accordance with regulations; step up exploration of mineral mines according to the plan approved by Prime Minister to ensure sufficient supply of raw materials for construction material production;
- Organize rational exploitation and processing and general use of minerals, according to the plan to improve efficiency of resource use and saving, to protect environment, to restore mines according to regulations;
- To form areas and establishments for material processing specialists to ensure a stable supply of quality and quantity to construction material manufacturers.
3. Promote scientific and technological research and application
- Research and apply advanced, safe and efficient mining technology to minimize factors affecting landscape and environment; organizing exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals as building materials taking into account climate change;
- To invest in modern science and technology in field of raw material processing in order to stabilize and improve input quality, contribute to improving quality of construction material products, efficiently use mineral resources and preserve environmental protection;
- Research and develop new products, new technologies, use waste as raw materials, alternative fuels; reduce energy consumption; improving productivity and quality of building material products;
- Research and develop construction materials suitable for modern construction technology, increase labor productivity, reduce project cost;
- Promote research in field of mechanical fabrication, production of equipment and spare parts; to increase application of mechanization and automation in construction material production.
4. Promote domestic consumption of construction material products and export
- Increase promotion of products to promote domestic consumption market; promote building of national brand name for construction material products with competitive advantages in domestic and international markets;
- Improve quality and diversify models and types of products to meet domestic and export market demands;
- To increase the exportation of building material products of high economic value, economical use of mineral resources, fuel and energy.
5. Train and improve quality of human resources
Focusing on training and retraining of business managers; training a contingent of highly qualified experts and engineers; train technical staff and a team of skilled workers, capable of grasping new technologies, mastering modern production lines, be proactive in designing and developing new products; training a contingent of qualified, skilled and international integration staff.
6. Improve equipment manufacturing capacity
Improve domestic mechanical manufacturing capacity to promptly meet development needs of construction material industry. In immediate future, to produce spare parts and details for repairing and reducing import rates, proceeding to research and manufacture synchronous construction material production lines.
7. Environmental protection in production
- Strengthen widespread dissemination of legal documents on environmental protection;
- Supervise environmental protection in mineral mining, material processing facilities, and building material factories in accordance with regulations; proceeding to apply modern, automatic monitoring methods, online connection with environmental management authorities;
- Strengthen inspection, examination and strict supervision of the implementation of commitments in environmental impact assessment report and commitment to environmental protection and labor safety of facilities exploiting raw materials and products, construction materials export. Strictly handle production facilities that do not fully comply with law provisions on environmental protection.
IV. Organizing implementation
1. Ministry of Construction
- Disseminating and guiding localities to make plans for the implementation of strategy;
- To assume prime responsibility for researching, on basis of Vietnamese practice and selectively absorb international experiences to propose additional specific mechanisms and policies on investment and mining of minerals as building materials, saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, treating industrial waste, municipal and rural waste for use in the production of construction materials;
- Regularly monitor and capture market developments; building a data system on supply-demand situation, design capacity and actual capacity of construction material factories nationwide. The construction research is oriented towards investment and development of building material products, mainly to formulate the 5-year socio-economic development plan;
- Leading appraisal or giving comments on investment projects according to regulations;
- To propose to Prime Minister adjustments and orientations for investment projects;
- To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with concerned agencies in, researching and developing new building materials and products suitable to modern, high productivity and environmentally friendly construction technologies;
- Propose and develop standards for construction material products;
- Annually and 5 years, to evaluate implementation of the strategy by the ministries, branches, localities and concerned organizations to report to Prime Minister;
- Periodically review consumption and emission norms for the types of building materials in the appendix enclosed with the strategy, proposing changes in accordance with reality and relevant law provisions.
2. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with Ministry of Construction in, examining environmental criteria in production and in the exploitation of minerals as raw materials for production of building materials; comply with regulations on environmental protection and instruct factories to install online environmental monitoring systems;
- Licensing mineral activities in accordance with planning; assume prime responsibility for proposing legal provisions, mechanisms and policies on mining minerals as raw materials, applying advanced extraction techniques, making most of mineral resources and protecting environment and landscape. ;
- Coordinate with Ministry of Finance in proposing appropriate natural resource tax and environmental protection fee;
- Closely control implementation of the post-mining environmental rehabilitation and restoration plan, determine appropriate margin level, ensure environmental renovation and restoration after mining;
- Regularly check and monitor environment; closely supervise implementation of contents in environmental impact assessment reports, regulations on environmental protection and occupational safety of mineral extraction facilities as raw materials and production of building materials erect;
- Reviewing and promptly revising environmental standards and regulations in production of construction materials to ensure compliance with technological level.
3. Ministry of Industry and Trade
- Organizing domestic and foreign trade promotion and promotion to create conditions for enterprises to promote the consumption of new products on building materials;
- To coordinate with the Ministry of Construction in orienting the use of new and environmentally friendly materials in new and renovated industrial projects and works;
- Direct the collection, management and recycling of industrial wastes (ash, slag in thermal power plants, metallurgy, chemicals, mineral mines ...) for use as construction materials, reduce environmental pollution.
4. Ministry of Transport
Coordinate with Ministry of Construction in implementing the use of construction materials in the construction of traffic works; Constructing, promulgating according to its competence or proposing to promulgate technical standards for pavement structural materials, proactively researching new, sustainable, environmentally friendly materials and economical use.
5. Ministry of Science and Technology
- To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in organizing implementation of national-level scientific and technological research tasks on construction material production; giving priority to the tasks of information technology application; using big data, artificial intelligence, the internet to connect things to management and production process; recycle and make use of wastes in the production of construction materials, save natural resources, fuels, save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide scientific and technological solutions to environmental protection;
- Allocate scientific capital sources under the State budget for research, design, manufacture and trial of new equipment, auxiliary equipment and repair spare parts and equipment in the field of production of construction materials;
- To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with ministries and branches in appraising draft national technical regulations, appraising and announcing national standards in the field of building materials.
6. Ministry of Planning and Investment
To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction and concerned agencies in proposing the Government to put investment projects on production of building materials using industrial, urban and agricultural wastes as raw materials, alternative fuels and projects to build power stations using waste gas heat from factories producing construction materials to be entitled to support and preferential policies.
7. Ministry of Finance
Continue to research and issue according to their competence or propose competent authorities to promulgate mechanisms and policies to support businesses to invest in using advanced technology and equipment to recover excess heat for power generation in order to save energy saving; using industrial, urban and rural waste in production of construction materials to save resources and minimize environmental pollution.
8. Professional associations related to building materials
Gather and propose to State management agencies solutions and policies on technology, environmental protection and trade to develop building material industry according to the set objectives.
9. People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities
- Develop plans, schemes and strategies on building material development in the area in accordance with central plan and Vietnam construction material development strategy for the period 2021 - 2030, orientation by 2050;
- Direct functional agencies to manage and implement legal procedures on investment in projects of building material production in accordance with the law, seek written opinions from the Ministry of Construction before approving investment in building material projects in the area according to regulations.
10. Investors and manufacturing enterprises
- Regularly improve competitiveness; research and apply science and technology to production, save energy, make maximum use of industrial wastes, urban and rural wastes, reduce consumption of raw materials and fuels, and minimize emissions that cause environment pollution in construction material production for sustainable and environmentally friendly development of the industry;
- Investing in advanced and modern production technology with a high degree of automation. Gradually applying information technology and technological solutions of the fourth industrial revolution to the production process and management system;
- To invest in waste treatment equipment and environmental monitoring systems connected to state management agencies according to regulations.
Appendix I
Specific objectives for each stage:
1. Period 2021 - 2030:
a) Regarding investment:
- Only invest in a new cement clinker production plant with a capacity of not less than 5,000 tons of clinker/ day, associated with the raw material area and investing in a power generation system that takes advantage of exhaust heat, fully satisfying enough indicators on technology and environment.
- By 2025, cement plants with a capacity of less than 2,500 tons of clinker/ day, consuming a lot of raw materials, fuel and energy, must invest deeply in technological innovation to improve productivity and product quality, energy saving and environmental protection.
- Invest in cement grinding stations with suitable capacity in areas unfavorable for raw materials to produce cement clinker.
- Average rate of using clinker in cement production is 65% for the whole industry; 35% minimum use of cement additives.
- Total designed capacity of cement plants by 2025 will not exceed 125 million tons/ year; by 2030 not exceeding 150 million tons/ year.
b) Technology:
- Using advanced technology with a high degree of automation, applying information technology to production to achieve the following technical specifications:
- Using advanced technology with a high degree of automation, applying information technology to production to achieve the following technical specifications:
+ Heat consumption: ≤730 kcal / kg clinker;
+ Power consumption: ≤ 90 kWh / ton of cement;
+ Power consumption: ≤ 65 kWh / ton clinker.
- Emission requirements for invested lines meet:
+ CO2 ≤ 650 kg / ton of cement;
+ SO2 ≤ 200 mg / Nm3;
+ NO2 ≤ 800 mg / Nm3;
+ Dust ≤ 30 mg / Nm3.
- Emission requirements for new investment lines are:
+ CO2 ≤ 650 kg / ton of cement;
+ SO2 ≤ 100 mg / Nm3;
+ NO2 ≤ 400 mg / Nm3;
+ Dust ≤ 20 mg / Nm3.
- By the end of 2025, 100% of cement production lines with a capacity of 2,500 tons of clinker / day or more must install and operate power generation systems that utilize exhaust heat;
- By 2025, to use at least 20%; By 2030, use at least 30% of thermal power fly ash or other industrial wastes as substitute materials in clinker production and as an additive in cement production.
- Using alternative fuel up to 15% of the total fuel used to produce cement clinker.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources
Exploiting and economically using minerals; to encourage the exploitation of sound and exploitation according to tunnel drilling technology. Utilize the maximum use of wastes and wastes from industries, agriculture, construction and domestic waste as raw materials, fuels and additives for the cement production process.
d) Regarding environmental protection
100% of production establishments satisfy technical regulations and standards on the environment; increased conversion of electrostatic dust filter to cloth bag dust filter; Cement manufacturing facilities must have equipment to monitor dust concentrations at waste sources and connect these devices online to local environmental management agencies.
d) About the product
Improve the quality of cement products; diversify types of high-quality cement products with high economic value to meet construction needs; to attach importance to the development of production of high-grade cement, sulphate-resistant cement for marine constructions, oil-gas drilling well cement, and durable cement in the aggressive environment.
Appendix II
Ceramic tiles
Specific objectives for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- Invest in depth, innovate technology, diversify models, improve productivity, product quality, save raw materials, fuel, fully meet criteria on technology and environment.
- Limiting new investment in ceramic brick production establishments.
- To invest in synchronous development between domestic production establishments and establishments exploiting and processing raw materials and producing enamel and color; spare parts production facilities.
- Gradually reduce and proceed to completely replace fuels produced from coal gasification to clean and environmentally friendly fuels such as LPG, CNG to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment.
- Total design capacity of ceramic and ceramic tile factories by 2025 shall not exceed 850 million m2 / year; in 2030 does not exceed 950 million m2 / year.
b) Technology:
- Producing ceramic tiles with advanced and modern technology, in order to reduce the consumption of raw materials, fuel and energy, and to apply information technology solutions to management and production.
- The consumption criteria are in the following norms:
Heat consumption for 1 kg of product:
+ Ceramic tile: ≤ 1,100 kcal / kg of product;
+ Granite brick: ≤ 1,200 kcal / kg of product;
+ Cotto brick: ≤ 1,400 kcal / kg of product.
Power consumption for 1 kg of product:
+ Ceramic brick: ≤ 0.12 kWh / kg of product;
+ Granite brick: ≤ 0.30 kWh / kg of product;
+ Brick cotto: ≤ 0.14 kWh / kg of product.
- Dust emission norm is not more than 30 mg / Nm3; Content of CO, SO2, NOx not more than 100 mg / Nm3.
c) Regarding exploitation and use of natural resources
To fully exploit and use mineral resources in a thrifty way, to develop and form large-capacity concentrated raw material production zones, specialized from the extraction of raw materials; processing raw materials, mixing materials for ceramic tiles production establishments.
d) Regarding environmental protection
- 100% of production establishments must have waste treatment systems meeting technical standards and regulations on environmental protection.
- The production facilities must have a system of automatic monitoring equipment for wastewater and exhaust gas and connect online with the local environmental management agency.
d) About the product
To invest in production of thin products with large sizes, high quality and diversified types and designs; development of production of paving materials with special features, high wear resistance, color fastness, anti-fouling, prevention of the growth of moss, meeting the increasing demand of domestic consumers and export.
2. In a period of 2031 - 2050
- Adjust product structure appropriately between tiles and tiles, granite, cotto and ceramic in accordance with domestic and international market requirements in each period.
- Invest in depth in production technology, thoroughly apply information technology to management, production and business.
- Developing field of mechanical engineering, machinery, equipment and spare parts for the production of building materials; take initiative in production, reduce dependence on imported spare parts and materials.
- Use clean fuel in production of paving bricks, no longer use coal gas as fuel.
e) Regarding export
Export restrictions, clinker and cement export rates do not exceed 30% of the total design capacity.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- Average rate of using clinker in cement production is 60% for the whole industry; at least 40% of admixtures for cement use.
- Production technology has a high degree of automation, thoroughly applying information technology to management, production and business activities to meet following technical specifications:
+ Heat energy consumption: ≤ 700 kcal / kg clinker;
+ Power consumption: ≤ 80 kWh / ton of cement.
- Required emission level:
+ CO2 content ≤ 550 kg / ton of cement;
+ SO2 content ≤ 100 mg / Nm3;
+ Content of NO2 ≤ 400 mg / Nm3;
+ Dust content ≤ 20 mg / Nm3.
- At least 60% of production lines use thermal power fly ash or other industrial wastes to replace clay materials in the production of clinker.
- Using over 30% fly ash, thermal power slag or other industrial waste as an additive in cement production.
- Using alternative fuel up to 30% of the total fuel used to produce cement clinker by the treatment and use of domestic waste and agricultural and industrial waste.
- 100% of cement producers apply energy, occupational safety and health management systems.
- To restrict export, the ratio of clinker and cement export will not exceed 20% of the total design capacity.
Appendix III
1. Natural paving stone
Specific goals for each stage:
a) Period of 2021 - 2030
- Regarding investment: Increasing in-depth investment, technological innovation, diversifying models, improving output, product quality, saving raw materials, fully meeting technological and environmental criteria. The capacity scale of a production facility is not less than 20,000 m2 / year.
- Technology:
Producing paving stone with advanced and modern technology, using technology of drilling, splitting wedge, cutting diamond wire and sawing disc in quarrying, minimizing blasting; applying solutions using information technology to management and production; power consumption ≤ 0.6 kWh / m2 of product: Dust emission target is not more than 30 mg / Nm3; The content of inorganic substances should not exceed 100 mg / Nm3.
- Regarding exploitation and use of natural resources: To develop and form areas of concentrated natural paving stone production with a large capacity, specialized from exploitation to product processing.
- Regarding environmental protection: Natural paving stone production establishments must have a system of equipment for monitoring dust concentration.
- Products: Produce diversified types and models of products; make the most of mineral resources.
b) Period of 2031 - 2050
Continuing to invest in depth, innovate technology, update advanced technologies of countries with developed mining industries, diversify models, improve output, product quality, and save raw materials, fully meeting the criteria of technology and environment.
2. Artificial paving stone
Specific goals for each stage:
a) Period of 2021 - 2030
- Regarding investment: Promote investment in developing large-scale production associated with environmental protection.
- Technology: Using advanced technology, automating, using pressing and vacuuming system in production; maximum application of information technology.
- Regarding exploitation and use of natural resources: To develop domestic material processing and processing establishments; research into the production of adhesives, additives to replace imported raw materials; recover waste from exploiting and processing natural paving stones for use as raw production materials.
- Regarding environmental protection: 100% of production establishments must have waste treatment systems meeting technical standards and regulations on environmental protection.
- Regarding products: To attach importance to developing products of high economic value to serve domestic and export markets.
b) Period of 2031 - 2050
- Invest in depth in production technology, thoroughly apply information technology to management, production and business.
- To invest in the development and production of artificial paving stones with outstanding features and aesthetics, diversified in designs to replace natural paving stones.
Appendix IV
Sanitary ware
Specific goals for each stage:
1. The period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment
- To invest in new production lines with large capacity, advanced, modern, synchronous technology with a high level of automation, fully meeting technological and environmental criteria.
- By 2025, 100% of production establishments with outdated technology and equipment causing environmental pollution must invest in depth and renew technologies and equipment to improve productivity and product quality, save raw materials, fuel and energy or be forced to stop production.
- To encourage investment in concentrated and modern raw material processing establishments in order to have a stable and high-quality raw material supply source for production.
- Total designed capacity of sanitary ware factories by 2025 will not exceed 30 million products / year; by 2030 not exceeding 40 million products / year.
b) Technology
- New investment establishments must have modern technology with a high degree of automation, low consumption of raw materials, fuel, and emissions into the environment.
- To synchronously develop investment in production establishments and establishments exploiting and processing raw materials, producing enamel and color in the country, and establishments producing spare parts and accessories.
Consumption indicators are as follows:
+ Heat energy ≤ 2,300 kcal / kg of product;
+ Electricity: ≤ 0.5 kWh / kg of product.
- Dust emission norm ≤ 20 mg / Nm3, CO, SO2, NOx gas content in exhaust gas ≤ 50 mg / Nm3;
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources
Exploit fully mineral resources, specialize the process of exploiting raw materials; to form and develop concentrated material production areas with large capacity for the processing of raw materials and blending for sanitary porcelain production establishments.
d) Regarding environmental protection
- 100% of production establishments have waste treatment systems according to regulations, meeting technical standards and regulations on environmental protection.
- 100% of production establishments must have automatic monitoring systems of wastewater and exhaust gases.
d) About the product
- Develop products with modern designs and follow the general trend such as: Large size products, instant water-saving toilets, self-cleaning, self-cleaning...
- Synchronized production of products and accessories such as: Sensors, water jet control shower, toilet components with automatic washing equipment, temperature control to serve consumer needs.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- Production technology must be modern, advanced, synchronous, and maximum applied to management, production and business.
- The requirement to meet the targets of heat energy consumption: ≤ 2,000 kcal / kg of product; Power consumption: ≤ 0.4kWh / kg of product. Requirements for average dust emissions ≤ 20 mg / Nm3, concentrations of CO, SO2, NOx in the exhaust gas ≤ 50 mg / Nm3.
Appendix V
Construction glass
Specific goals for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- Continuing to invest in the production of high quality glass products with high economic value such as: energy-saving glass, ultra-white, ultra-thin glass, glass for energy batteries, fireproof glass...
- To deeply invest in renovating glass manufacturing establishments with outdated technology, old equipment, consuming a lot of raw materials, fuel, energy, and low product quality, fully meeting technological criteria and environment.
- Continuing to invest in the development and production of glass back-processing products such as safety glass, box glass, laminated glass, energy-saving glass, decorative glass, environmental friendly health protection glass.
- Limiting investment in the construction of new construction float glass factories.
- Total design capacity of factories producing construction glass by 2025 does not exceed 350 million m2 QTC / year; by 2030 not exceeding 400 million m2 QTC / year.
b) Regarding production technology:
- Using advanced technology, modern equipment capable of high mechanization and automation, meeting the following criteria:
+ Heat energy consumption <1500 kcal / kg of product;
+ Power consumption <100 kWh / ton of product;
Dust emission <30 mg / Nm3.
- By 2025, to completely eliminate outdated technology and by 2030 the glass production technology in Vietnam will reach the level equal to that of advanced countries in the world.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources:
Exploiting fully mineral resources; to use mineral resources in an economical, efficient and rational manner for the production of glass throughout the country.
d) Regarding environmental protection:
- Newly invested flat glass production lines must have waste treatment systems in accordance with the law on the environment; has an online gas and dust monitoring system with local environmental management agencies.
- Glass processing factories must have waste collection systems and plans for waste treatment in accordance with regulations and protect the environment.
d) About the product:
- Strive by 2025, to basically meet the demand of glass back-processed glass products in domestic market such as tempered glass, laminated glass, box glass, energy-saving glass, glass used to produce energy cells.
- Develop a variety of high quality glass products with high economic value according to the market demand.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- To develop and manufacture all types of glass to fully meet domestic demands and to spend a part for export, especially after glass products.
- To develop glass production in the direction of concentration and high specialization, with the formation of concentrated industrial zones in regions.
- Continue to invest deeply in existing glass manufacturers, invest in a number of high quality products with high economic value, especially glass products suitable for green architecture, save energy. .
Appendix VI
Lime industry
Specific objectives for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- To invest in the development of industrial lime according to modern technology, save natural resources, fully meet the criteria of technology and environment, satisfy domestic demand and take into account exports. Only consider investing in a kiln with a capacity greater than 200 tons of lime / day (equivalent to 60,000 tons of lime / year).
- Completely erase intermittent manual and intermittent manual furnaces completely.
b) Technology:
- Select advanced technology, equipment, high degree of mechanization and automation to ensure products of high quality, stability, and competitiveness in international markets; at the same time saving raw materials, using alternative fuels towards green technology, protecting the environment. By 2030, Vietnam's lime industry will reach a level on par with that of advanced countries in the world.
- Norms of energy consumption:
+ Heat energy <900 kcal / kg lime;
Electricity for the lime kiln <30 kWh / ton of lime.
- Ensuring environmental criteria:
Dust emission <30 mg / Nm3;
+ Sulfur concentration <20 mg / Nm3.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources:
Encourage the recovery of qualified limestone minerals as lime from quarries as common building materials. The exploitation of limestone and dolomite must be used efficiently, ensuring economy and environmental protection.
d) Regarding environmental protection
100% of production establishments have waste treatment systems meeting the environmental standards and technical regulations; Industrial lime production facilities must have equipment to monitor emissions and dust concentrations at the source of waste and connect these devices online to the local environmental management agency.
d) About the product
To improve the quality of industrial calcined lime and dolomite products, diversify product categories such as calcium lime, dolomite lime, calcined dolomite lime, hydrate lime powder, light powder ...
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- Invest in industrial scale lime production and diversify products to supply for domestic industries, restrict export. Prioritize the development of tunnel mining technology to ensure the natural shape of limestone mountains; recovery and recovery of exhaust gas as raw materials for the production of other products.
- Continue to invest deeply in the lime factories in operation, apply automation and information technology to management and production, to ensure environmental protection requirements.
Appendix VII
Fired clay bricks
Specific goals for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- The designed capacity of a new investment in baked clay brick production line is not less than 20 million standard bricks / year. For mountainous provinces, it is possible to invest in a production line of baked clay bricks with a capacity of 10 million standardized bricks / year.
- Do not invest newly in expanding the production lines of baked clay bricks when there is no raw material area in the approved planning and plan on using resources of provinces and cities.
- By 2025, manufacturing establishments that are using outdated technology, old equipment consuming raw materials, fuel and energy must invest in renovating and converting into production facilities with advanced technology having a high degree of mechanization and automation in order to save raw materials, fuel, and energy to meet technological and environmental criteria or be forced to stop production.
- The total design capacity of baked clay brick factories by 2025 will not exceed 25 billion standardized bricks / year; by 2030 not exceeding 30 billion standardized members / year.
b) Regarding production technology:
- Strengthen the application of science, technology, technology innovation and mechanization to improve product quality. Over 30% of factories apply automation to production lines.
- Improve technology, reduce consumption of raw materials, fuel, save resources. Encourage technology to use alternative fuels.
- Norms of energy consumption:
+ Heat consumption: ≤ 360kcal / kg of product;
+ Power consumption: ≤ 0.022 kWh / kg of product.
- Maximum saving in the use of natural resources. On average, the whole industry uses up to the maximum waste sources of other industries to replace 50% of raw materials and natural fuels in the production of baked clay bricks.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources:
Do not use agricultural land; Only use mine clay and hilly land as raw materials for the production of baked clay bricks; 100% of brick production establishments have material zones in the approved master plans and plans on resource use of provinces and cities; promote research and use of wastes (thermal ash, slag, oxide ...) as raw materials and fuels to replace traditional raw materials.
d) Regarding environmental protection
Production facilities have waste treatment systems meeting technical regulations and standards on environmental protection; Emissions monitoring equipment is required and an online connection of them to the local environmental authority.
d) About the product:
Increase production of clay bricks, hollow, thin, light, decorative bricks, large size bricks, non-plastered bricks ...
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- The percentage of baked clay bricks remains about 30% - 40% of the total production of building materials. The percentage of decorative brick, thin, hollow ... high added value accounts for 80%.
- Reduce heat consumption, CO2 emissions from 20% to 30% compared with the current average.
Appendix VIII
Unburnt construction materials
Specific goals for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- To develop investment in the production of unburnt building materials (unburnt construction materials), the production of construction materials accounts for about 35-40% of the total number of construction bricks by 2025; 40-45% by 2030; ensure the use of construction materials in construction works according to regulations.
- Investment in the production of large-sized construction materials, products using industrial wastes (ash, slag, metallurgical slag ...); lightweight products; products to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization of the construction industry.
b) Regarding production technology, raw materials:
Using advanced technology, advanced equipment lines, modernized mechanization and automation. Strive for more than 50% of factories to apply automation in production lines.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources:
Maximize use of industrial wastes (ash, coal slag, metallurgical slag ...) as raw materials for the production of construction materials, saving mineral resources.
d) Regarding environmental protection
Production facilities have waste treatment systems meeting technical regulations and standards on environmental protection.
d) About the product:
Diversify products of large size unburnt bricks, components, wall panels, and lightweight materials, reducing construction time, lowering construction costs, and minimizing emissions during construction.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- The percentage of construction materials accounts for about 50% - 60% of the total production of construction materials.
- Make the most of industrial wastes (ash, coal slag, metallurgical slag, ...) for the production of construction materials.
Appendix IX
Roofing materials
Specific goals for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- Encourage investment in renovating and renovating technologies and equipment to upgrade roofing production establishments with outdated technology and old equipment in order to save energy, fuel, and reduce polluting environment emissions.
- Encourage investment in manufacturing smart roofing materials, saving energy; Roofing materials use fibers that are safe for human health, environmentally friendly, and durable in the sea island environment.
- Do not invest in new or expand asbestos roofing manufacturing facilities.
b) Technology:
- Modern production technology has a high degree of mechanization and automation.
- To develop tile production technologies using 15% - 20% of industrial wastes to replace clay materials.
- Encourage the application of new technologies in roofing production in order to use fibers that are safe for human health, environmentally friendly and durable in the sea and island environment.
c) Regarding environmental protection
- Production facilities have waste treatment systems meeting technical regulations and standards on environmental protection.
- Encourage the use of fibers to replace asbestos in roofing production.
d) About the product:
- Develop diversified types and models of products, especially smart roofing products, save energy; Roofing materials use fibers that are safe for human health, environmentally friendly, and durable in the sea island environment.
- Improve product quality, to increase product competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
Modern production technology has a high degree of mechanization and automation. To develop tile production technologies using 20-30% of industrial wastes to replace clay materials; optimize the quality of energy-saving, smart roofing products; Roofing materials use fibers that are safe for human health, environmentally friendly, and durable in the sea island environment.
Appendix X
1. Construction sand
Specific goals for each stage:
a) Period of 2021 - 2030
- Regarding investment:
+ To invest in and develop establishments exploiting and processing natural sand and producing artificial sand to fully meet the domestic construction demand;
+ To encourage investment in research and technology transfer in the production of crushed sand, sea sand, saltwater sand, brackish water sand, fine sand into sand qualified for use in concrete and mortar.
- Technology:
+ For natural extraction: Using advanced mining technology in combination with cleaning to remove impurities to improve sand quality; Waste generated during the treatment process must be collected, stored properly or reused;
+ For crushed sand: The technological line of crushed sand production must be advanced and synchronous (including processing, processing, screening, sorting, and environmental treatment equipment and equipment).
- Regarding the exploitation and use of resources:
+ Using efficiently and economically natural resources of minerals, fuels and energy; using industrial and construction wastes for construction sand production;
+ To step by step limit the use of river sand as backfilling materials;
+ Do not use river sand meeting technical standards for concrete as leveling material. Not to export natural construction sand.
- Regarding environmental protection
Construction sand production establishments meeting technical regulations and standards on environmental protection; To conduct the environmental renovation and restoration according to the provisions of law in mineral exploitation and processing.
- About the product
+ Strengthening the development of artificial sand products to meet demand; strive to achieve the target of using crushed sand, recycled sand from industrial and construction wastes to replace at least 40% of the use of natural sand in construction;
+ To step up the production and use of brackish water, fine sand and sea sand together with technical solutions, striving to achieve the target of using as a substitute for 10% of the natural sand used in construction.
b) Period of 2031 - 2050
Minimize the use of natural sand in construction; to raise the rate of using crushed sand, recycled sand from industrial and construction waste, and brackish water sand to at least 60% of the total amount of sand used in construction.
2. Glass white sand
Specific goals for each stage:
a) Period of 2021 - 2030
- Regarding investment:
To invest in and develop white sand mining and processing establishments in order to fully meet the domestic demand for glass and glass production.
- Technology:
Using advanced mining technology combined with cleaning to remove impurities to improve sand quality; Waste generated during the treatment process must be collected, stored properly or reused.
- Regarding the exploitation and use of resources:
+ Using efficiently and economically natural resources of minerals, fuels and energy;
+ To step by step limit the use of qualified white sand as raw materials for glass production, glass as leveling materials and for export.
- Regarding environmental protection
Sand exploiting and processing establishments must satisfy technical regulations and standards on environmental protection; To conduct the environmental renovation and restoration according to the provisions of law in mineral exploitation and processing.
b) Period of 2031 - 2050
Investment in and development of white sand mining and processing establishments with modern technologies, deep processing and production of high quality white sand as raw materials for the production of glass and glass, special glasses and fibers glass.
Appendix XI
Construction stone
Specific goals for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment
- Invest in large-capacity and modern construction stone mining and processing chains to increase output, product quality, and protect the environment; to coordinate the production of construction stone and crushed sand; linking with production lines of concrete, adobe bricks and other building materials.
- Do not invest in construction stone production projects at the foothills of hills and mountains, along national highways, areas affecting natural landscapes, cultural heritages, tourism development, security and defense.
- To rearrange small-scale construction stone mining and processing establishments. To upgrade and modernize construction stone processing technologies for old production establishments; to stop production for small production establishments with outdated technology, causing environmental pollution.
b) Technology
- Use a modern, advanced, synchronous, and modernized construction stone production technology line with a high degree of mechanization and automation, reduce energy consumption, and minimize dust and noise emissions in production. Combining technology of construction stone production with production of crushed sand.
- To upgrade and improve equipment and technology for processing construction stone in advanced and modern production establishments with outdated technology.
- To raise the localization rate in the manufacture of spare parts and equipment in the construction stone exploitation and processing technological line.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources:
- Mining and processing construction stone according to the permits granted and in compliance with the provisions of the law.
- Using efficiently and saving mineral resources, fuel and energy; using industrial, construction and transport wastes in the construction stone production process.
d) Regarding environmental protection
- Construction stone production establishments meeting technical regulations and standards on environmental protection; To conduct the environmental renovation and restoration according to the provisions of law in mineral exploitation and processing.
- Establishments producing construction stone must have an automatic dust monitoring system around the emission area.
d) About the product
- Increase production of construction stone products to ensure the requirements of current technical regulations and standards for each use purpose, serving construction needs.
- To increase the use, utilization and reuse of industrial, construction and transport wastes as aggregate to partially replace natural construction stone.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- Technology for producing construction stone must be modern, advanced and synchronous, with a high degree of mechanization and maximum application of automation. Quarrying uses modern technology, accelerating the exploitation deep by underground mining technology to exploit effectively resources.
- Establishments exploiting and processing construction stone must have the system of mine output management and automatic environmental monitoring.
Appendix XII
Specific objectives for each stage:
1. Period of 2021 - 2030
a) Regarding investment:
- Continuing to invest in commercial concrete mixing plants to replace manual concrete fabrication, simple, dispersing, unsatisfactory and polluting the environment.
- Promote investment in factories producing concrete structures of all kinds (lightweight concrete, concrete for coastal and island projects; high-strength, high-performance concrete, water-proof concrete to prevent flooding. , reducing noise in cities ...) to serve domestic demand and possibly export.
b) Technology:
- Modernize production technology, give priority to technology development towards green, clean production, saving materials and energy, combining with improving quality and minimizing environmental pollution.
- Eliminate existing lines that are using outdated technology, pollute the environment and minimize hand-mixed concrete.
c) Regarding the exploitation and use of natural resources:
Using effectively and saving mineral resources, fuel and energy; using industrial, agricultural, construction, transportation, etc. wastes and artificial, recycled, and low clinker cement for concrete production.
d) Regarding environmental protection
Concrete production facilities must meet technical regulations and standards on environmental protection, have automatic dust and wastewater monitoring systems.
d) About the product
- Develop and widely apply all kinds of high-strength concrete over 100MPa; prefabricated concrete structure products, assembled by module, thin plate, small cross-section; durable concrete with marine environment; heat-resistant concrete; adaptive concrete to climate change; 3D printed concrete.
- Apply mineral additives, chemical additives to optimize the quality of concrete to adapt to climate and achieve long-term durability.
2. The period of 2031 - 2050
- Increase the level of automation, modernization, maximum application of information technology in management and production of concrete.
- Using aggregates from recycled materials, waste to replace up to 60% of natural materials; development of mineral additives and chemical additives to be included as required ingredients in concrete production to improve the quality of concrete products.
- Continue to promote the development of pre-engineered concrete structures factories, develop pre-engineered, modularly assembled concrete structures and commercial concrete mixing stations. Reduce the proportion of hand-mixed concrete to less than 25% of the total concrete output.

Source: Vitic/


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