List of Vietnam Law

   Decree No. 57/2020/ND-CP dated May 25, 2020 of the Government on amendments and supplements to several articles of Government’s Decree No. 122/2016/ND-CP dated September 1, 2016 on export and preferential import tariff schedules, lists of products, absolute, mixed and out-of-quota import duty rates, and to Decree No. 125/2017/ND-CP dated November 16, 2017 amending and supplementing several articles of Decree No. 122/2016/ND-CP

Date of issue: Monday, May 25,2020

   Resolution No. 79/NQ-CP dated May 25, 2020 of the Government on list of countries whose citizens are eligible to apply for e-visa, list of international border checkpoints that allow entry and exit for e-visa holders

Date of issue: Monday, May 25,2020

  Decision No. 645/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2020 of the Prime Minister on approval of national electronic commerce development master plan during 2021-2025

Date of issue: Friday, May 15,2020

  Circular No. 09/2020/TT-BCT dated May 14, 2020 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on roadmap for application of border checkpoints for import and export in case of goods for temporary import for re-export, transit or storage in bonded warehouses

Date of issue: Thursday, May 14,2020

   Decision No.: 920/QD-NHNN dated May 12, 2020 of the State Bank of Vietnam prescribing maximum interest rates of short-term loan in Vietnam dong offered by credit institutions and foreign bank branches to customers to meet their demand of fund in certain economic sectors according to Circular No. 39/2016/TT-NHNN dated December 30, 2016

Date of issue: Tuesday, May 12,2020

  Decision No.: 919/QD-NHNN dated May 12, 2020 of the State Bank of Vietnam on maximum interest rates of deposits in Vietnam dong of organizations and individuals at credit institutions and foreign bank , branches according to Circular No. 07/2014/TT-NHNN dated March 17, 2014

Date of issue: Tuesday, May 12,2020

   Circular No.: 33/2020/TT-BTC dated May 05, 2020 of the Ministry of Finance on fees for processing of applications for license for establishment and operation of banks and non-bank credit institutions.

Date of issue: Tuesday, May 5,2020

  Circular No. 35/2020/TT-BTC dated May 05, 2020 of the Ministry of Finance on fees for issuance of international travel business licenses, domestic travel business licenses and tour guide cards

Date of issue: Tuesday, May 5,2020

  Resolution No. 60/NQ-CP dated April 29, 2020 of the Government on exports of medical mask amid effort to control and prevent Covid – 19 infection

Date of issue: Wednesday, April 29,2020

  Circular No.: 08/2020/TT-BCT dated April 08, 2020 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade introducing rules of origin in Vietnam – Cuba trade agreement

Date of issue: Wednesday, April 8,2020

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